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词汇 将要发生
例句 She could barely contain her excitement at the thought of what lay ahead.一想到将要发生的事,她就几乎无法掩饰内心的激动。The word on the street is there's going to be a takeover.有传言说将要发生收购。I can't look into my crystal ball and tell you what will happen!我不能看一下水晶球就告诉你将要发生什么!People we spoke to today were rather fatalistic about what's going to happen.今天和我们交谈的那些人对将要发生的事情都表现得相当听天由命。The early chapters of the book signpost what is going to happen further on.这本书的头几章预示了稍后将要发生的事情。The spectators withdrew, one by one, to get out of the expected explosion.看热闹的人为了躲避将要发生的爆炸陆续离开了。That was kids' stuff compared with what lies ahead.将要发生的一切相比,那算不了什么。While the increase in homicides is alarming, it is nothing compared to what is to come in the rest of the decade.虽然凶杀案的增加令人担忧,但和这个十年里接下来的几年将要发生的事相比却是小巫见大巫了。No one was ready for what was about to occur.将要发生的事谁也没有准备好。She was dead-on about what was going to happen.她对将要发生的事情预测极准。The prospect filled him with horror.将要发生的事使他心中充满恐惧。The men hesitated in fear of whatever was to come next.这些人因为对将要发生的事担心而犹豫不决。




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