例句 |
Some students blocked a highway that cuts through the centre of the city.一些学生封堵了一条横穿市中心的公路。Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads.罢工的卡车司机们同意解除对主干道的封堵。Bees deal with the parasites by corralling them in a corner of the hive.蜜蜂对付寄生虫的办法是把寄生虫封堵在蜂巢的角落里。Crews are working to plug a major oil leak.船员正在封堵一个漏油的大洞。Police attempted to kettle the marchers as they moved.警方拉起警戒线,试图封堵游行示威的人群。Police have barricaded the entrance.警方封堵了入口。 |