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词汇 封信
例句 I sent him a letter, but he never wrote me back.我给他写了封信,但他一直没有回信。I want that letter typed today.我要那封信今天就打好。There are four letters here for you to sign.有四封信需要您签字。He painfully wrote the letter.他费力地写成此封信She rejected the package/letter and returned it unopened.她拒收那个包裹/那封信,将它原封不动地退了回去。She studied the letter, frowning thoughtfully.她仔细地读了那封信,皱眉陷入了沉思。No record of this letter exists in the archives.档案里没有关于这封信的记录。She is ferreting about among old papers for the letter.她在一堆旧文件里搜寻那封信He flushed the letter down the loo.他把那封信冲下了厕所。I mailed the letter out yesterday.我昨天群发了那封信The letter reeks of subservience.封信通篇阿谀奉承腔。He kept the letter firmly in his grasp.他紧紧地抓着那封信He raked through the drawers, trying to find the letter.他翻遍了所有抽屉,想找到那封信I hated myself for writing that letter.我为自己写了那封信而羞愧。You don't have to be present. Merely send a letter of explanation.你不一定要出席,只要寄封信去说明一下就可以了。I ran across the letter while I was tidying the drawers.我在整理抽屉时,偶然发现了那封信He didn't even have the courtesy to answer my letter.他连给我回封信的礼貌都没有。The letter was passed from hand to hand until all had read it.封信几经传阅,大家都读过了。I'm glad I had the forethought to make a copy of the letter, as proof of what had been promised.我很庆幸自己有先见之明把那封信复印了一份,可以作为先前所作承诺的证明。He fished around in his bag for the letter.他在手提包里摸着找那封信He quickly stuffed the letter down the side of the sofa.他飞快地把那封信塞进沙发的一边。I looked at the letter, then gave her it back.我看了看那封信,然后还给了她。She found a clever hiding place for the letter.她找到了一个藏那封信的好地方。Don't forget to mail that letter, will you?别忘了寄那封信,好吗?She dashed off three letters in half an hour.她在半小时内匆忙写完三封信He sent a letter inviting Naomi to attend his installation as chief of his tribe.他给娜奥米寄了封信,邀请她来参加他就任部落酋长的仪式。Maybe the letter has gone astray.封信或许失落了。My heart was in my mouth when I opened the letter.我打开那封信时心都快提到嗓子眼了。The letter had mysteriously disappeared from the file overnight.封信一夜之间从档案里神秘消失了。I turned the apartment upside down but I couldn't find the letter.我把公寓翻了个底朝天也没有找到那封信She was tense, almost afraid to open the letter.她很紧张,几乎害怕打开那封信He's written three letters to the mayor, but he's gotten no response.他给市长写了三封信,但是没有回音。He was furious when he saw the article, and dashed off a letter to the editor immediately.他看到那篇文章气极了,立即给编辑匆匆地写了封信The letter was a forgery.封信是伪造的。There was a letter waiting for me.封信等我去取。The police exposed the letter as a fraud.警方揭露那封信是个骗局。I sent her a letter asking for her help, but she never answered.我写了封信向她求助,但她一直没有回复。I've been looking all over the place for that letter. Wherever did you find it?我一直到处找那封信。你究竟在哪儿找到的?I wrote a letter to the interviewer, explaining that I was going overseas for six months.我给主持面试的人写了封信,解释说我要到国外去六个月。She managed to write a letter during a quiet spell at work.她趁上班时一段清静的时间写了封信




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