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词汇 对不对
例句 Didn't I see you at the party last week?.我在上周的聚会上见过你,对不对It was you who told me that, wasn't it?是你告诉我的那件事,对不对Fess up - it was you who ate that last piece of cake, wasn't it?坦白吧,是你吃了最后一块蛋糕,对不对We don't want to be late for school, do we?你不想上学迟到,对不对You met him at our party, didn't you?晚餐会上你和他见过面,对不对You're a scheming little devil, aren't you?你是个耍阴谋诡计的小魔鬼,对不对You didn't come all that way just to see me, did you?你不会大老远地跑来就是为了看我,对不对?The prime minister was widely judged, rightly or wrongly, to be an honest man.不管对不对,大多数人都认为首相是个诚实的人。Why don't we let bygones be bygones and forget about the whole thing?我们都该不念旧恶,把整件事忘掉算了,对不对You're chicken, aren't you?你是个胆小鬼,对不对Rightly or wrongly, many employees feel pushed to work longer hours.不管对不对,许多员工都觉得被迫延长了工作时间。You don't want to wind up homeless, do you?你不想最后落得无家可归,对不对Check your change before leaving the shop.离开商店前看一下找零对不对Just think about it - you don't really want to become a father while you're still in your teens, do you?你想想,你才十几岁,又不是真的想要当父亲,对不对There were several other people absent that afternoon, weren't there? Mr Ashton for one.那天下午还有几个人缺席了,对不对?阿什顿先生就是其中之一。You're lying, aren't you? You're so cheap.你说谎,对不对?你真不要脸。We need money right? We could go around and ask if people need odd jobs done or something.咱们需要钱,对不对?咱们可以去周围打听一下看有没有人要找人做零工什么的。That's my new car. She's beautiful, isn't she?那是我的新车。很漂亮,对不对Does this sentence sound right?这个句子听起来对不对?He's a sly old devil isn't he! Nobody knew he had as much money as that!他是个狡猾的老东西,对不对!谁都不知道他竟然有这么多钱!Didn't you give a talk at the conference last year?去年的大会上你作过发言,对不对?I may as well have dessert - carpe diem, right?不如我再要个甜点,及时行乐嘛,对不对He threw out his reflection for what it was worth.他不管对不对反正随口就把自己的想法说了出来。He believed, rightly or wrongly, that she was guilty.且不问他的看法对不对,他坚持认为她是有罪的。




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