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词汇 chanced
例句 We chanced upon him in the park the day before yesterday.我们前天在公园里碰巧遇到他。It was just then that I chanced to look round.就在那时,我恰好环顾了下四周。Andy knew the risks. I cannot believe he would have chanced it.安迪知道有风险,我不敢相信他竟然甘冒其险。I was browsing in a bookshop when I chanced upon an old friend.我在逛书店时碰巧遇见一位老朋友。He chanced on the solution to his problem.他偶然找到了解决问题的办法。I chanced to overhear them talking about your work.我不经意间听到他们在谈论你的工作。Henry chanced upon some valuable coins in the attic.亨利无意中在阁楼里发现了一些很珍贵的硬币。We chanced on him in the park the day before yesterday.我们前天在公园里碰巧遇到他。She chanced a look behind her.她碰巧向身后查看了一眼。We chanced upon a good restaurant.我们偶然间发现了一家好餐馆。It chanced that I was out when he called.他来访时,我恰巧不在家。She chanced to be passing when I came out of the house.我从屋里出来时她恰巧经过。I chanced on an old school-friend in the street yesterday.我昨天在大街上偶然遇到一个老校友。She chanced her arm and achieved a lucky hit.她侥幸一试,结果幸运地击中了。Isaacs chanced it with a long three-point shot at goal in the last minute of the game.艾萨克斯在比赛最后一分钟时投了个长距离的三分球碰碰运气。The newspaper chanced its arm by printing the story.这家报纸冒险报道了这件事。She chanced upon an original copy of the book in her grandfather's attic.她在祖父的阁楼里偶然发现了这本书的原版。We chanced upon him in the park yesterday.我们昨天在公园里碰巧遇到他。We chanced to arrive at the same time.我们碰巧同一时间到达。I chanced to run into an old classmate this morning.今天早上我偶然碰到了一位老同学。A man I chanced to meet proved to be a most unusual character.我邂逅了一个人,后来发现他是个极为与众不同的家伙。Leafing through a magazine, I chanced upon a photo of an old high school friend, Robert Mason.我在随手翻阅一本杂志时,无意中看到一幅高中时的老朋友罗伯特·梅森的照片。I chanced to meet an old friend in the park today.今天我在公园碰巧遇见一位老朋友。It chanced to rain that day.那天碰巧下雨了。He stepped back and chanced a look at Martha.他往后退并冒险看了马莎一眼。




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