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词汇 宽广
例句 The tour was informative, thanks to the guide's broad base of knowledge.多亏导游宽广的基础知识,这次旅行很长见识。The instrument has a wide angle of view.这种仪器有宽广的视角。Unions are also active in the wider arena of the state.工会也活跃在国家更为宽广的舞台上。The rivers Rhône and Rhine rise here and form broad valleys.罗讷河和莱茵河发源于此,形成宽广的河谷。From Horton, the valley widens, becoming broader and more expansive.从霍顿开始,山谷变宽,越来越宽广辽阔。But seas between us braid hae roared.但我们之间隔着宽广的海洋。Because she's not involved, she can see the bigger picture.因为她是局外人,所以视角更宽广I looked down at the seemingly endless expanse of green of the Serengeti Plain.我低头俯视塞伦盖蒂平原那看来宽广无垠的一片绿色。What she most wanted to do was to wander about on the broad top of the acropolis.她最想做的是在卫城宽广的顶上漫步。The music invoked the wide open spaces of the prairies.该音乐营造出了一幅大草原上宽广辽阔的景象。I don't think people are in a very forgiving mood.我觉得人们现在心胸不够宽广The women have the opportunity to situate their own struggles in a wider historical context.这些女性有机会把她们的奋斗跟更宽广的历史背景联系起来。He showed an astonishing breadth of learning for one so young.他年纪轻轻就显示出宽广的知识面,很令人吃惊。




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