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词汇 容貌
例句 He could recall her features very distinctly.他能够清晰地回想起她的容貌She is always wimpled that no man can see her visage.她总是用包头巾围包著,没有任何男人能看见她的容貌In fairy stories the Prince is always very handsome, and the witch hideous.在童话故事里,王子总是英俊潇洒,女巫则容貌丑陋。She had striking looks and a charismatic personality.容貌出众,个性迷人。A healthy smile is a natural asset to your appearance.健康的微笑是宝贵的,能使人容貌自然美。She's not just a dumb blonde.她不是那种只有容貌没有头脑的金发女郎。She had an egotistic obsession with her looks.她陶醉于自己的容貌I had taken great pains with my appearance.我在自己的容貌上下了很多工夫。Sarah is so superficial – she only cares about how she looks.萨拉非常浅薄,她只关心自己的容貌She is very vain about her appearance.她对自己的容貌颇为自负。Her face showed the ravages of time. 她的容貌显露出饱经沧桑的痕迹。Ann admired his rugged good looks.安喜欢他那粗犷而英俊的容貌The girl is striking in face and figure.姑娘的容貌和身材都十分出众。Crying distorts the face.啼哭会使容貌变形。His features seemed to change.他的容貌似乎有所改变。She has the looks and voice that really get/put bums on seats.她的容貌和嗓音确实很吸引观众。Even though she's a model, she's very insecure about how she looks.即使她当上了模特儿,她对自己的容貌仍很不自信。His boyish good looks made him a favourite with the ladies.他那小男孩般的清秀容貌使他很讨女士欢心。The freckles over her nose were an added attraction rather than otherwise.她鼻子上的雀斑不但无损容貌,反使她更加娇美动人。The commentators make endless quips about the female players' appearance.评论员们没完没了地拿女选手的容貌打趣。They doctored the prints to make her look as awful as possible.他们修改了照片,尽可能地丑化她的容貌It would be rude to remark upon her appearance.对她的容貌外表评头品足是极不礼貌的。She changed her name and appearance to avoid recognition.她改了名字、换了容貌,以防被认出。Her appearance is/counts against her. 她的容貌不讨人喜欢。She stood out among the students by her beauty.在学生中她的容貌是出众的。She is a wonderful actress, with striking, expressive features.她是位出色的演员,容貌动人,表情丰富。He revealed the secret of his youthful looks.他透露了自己保持容貌年轻的秘密。More and more women are choosing to go under the knife to improve their appearance.越来越多的女性选择接受外科手术来改善容貌The thug disfeatured the actress's face.暴徒毁了女演员的容貌He's managed to preserve his boyish good looks.他设法保留住了自己少年般的俊秀容貌She's painfully/overly sensitive about her looks. 她对自己的容貌过于在意了。The lifesaving operation will cause some disfigurement.这一挽救生命的手术会对容貌有些损毁。The number of teardowns has an impact on the look and feel of a place.待拆房屋的数量影响着一个地方的容貌和给人的感觉。If she is stupid, she's at any rate pleasant to look at.如果说她脑袋不灵,她这人至少容貌不错。She burned with an incandescence that had nothing to do with her looks.她光彩照人,却与容貌无关。I secretly envied her for her good looks.我暗暗羡慕她姣好的容貌




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