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词汇 容许
例句 This housing law would be a charter for dishonest landlords to cheat their tenants.这条住房法规就等于容许不诚实的房东欺骗租客的通行证。The evidence allows of two possible interpretations.这个证据容许两种可能的解释。We simply will not tolerate vigilante groups on our streets.我们决不容许有自行惩办犯罪的组织出现在我们的街头。We will not tolerate such behaviour.我们决不容许出现这种行为。How could people of conscience allow this to happen?有良知的人怎么能容许这样的事情发生?Contact sports such as football and boxing allow a temporary regression into primitive aggression.身体接触的运动项目,例如足球和拳击,容许人们暂时退回原始性的攻击。Allow me to offer my belated congratulations to you on becoming the first woman member.容许我对你成为首位女性成员表示迟到的祝贺。Should the law allow mercy killing?法律应该容许安乐死吗?We have allowed spending and borrowing to rise in this recession.在此经济萧条时期,我们容许增加消费和借贷。The meeting broke up after a row over whether to allow cameras in.由于在是否容许摄影拍照这个问题上发生了一番争吵,会议被迫中止了。The film forgives errors in focusing.这种胶卷容许调焦误差。We think lower German interest rates in due course will allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc.我们认为较低的德国利率到时候将容许欧洲货币相对于美元集团货币发生贬值。He has conceded the right of way across his land.容许他人在他的土地上有过路权。They conceded us the right to cross their land.他们容许我们在他们的土地上有过路权。The tennis racket is designed to be forgiving. 这种网球拍设计得容许击球略有偏差。People must be allowed to grieve the loss of a relative for as long as they need to.必须容许人们哀悼逝去的亲人,直到他们感到足够为止。Back then, stores allowed their customers to buy food on credit.那时,许多商店容许顾客赊购食物。May I offer my heartiest congratulations on your promotion?容许我对你的晋升表示最诚挚的祝贺!The government is not prepared to tolerate this situation any longer.政府不准备再容许这种局面存在下去。The existing rules allow for some flexibility.现行的规则容许一定的灵活性。We tolerate all opinions here.我们这里容许发表各种意见。




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