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词汇 家具
例句 We got most of our furniture second hand.我们大部分家具都是买的二手货。She is studying furniture/Web design. 她在学习家具/网站设计。We stored our furniture in the attic.我们把家具存放在屋顶阁楼里。Good furniture is mortised together, not nailed.优质家具接合处用榫不用钉。Prison inmates are kept in tiny cells, with the bare minimum of furniture.犯人们被关在狭小的囚室里,只有再简单不过的几件家具They have left all the furniture and carpets in the house for the next occupant.他们把屋子里所有家具和地毯都留给了下一个住户。All the original furniture and fittings will be reinstated.所有原来的家具及配件都将恢复原样。They spent quite some time on the disposal of furniture in their new house.他们在新居的家具布置上花了相当多的时间。The furniture was stiff and uncomfortable.家具硬邦邦的,很不舒服。He rearranged the furniture.他重新摆放了家具An incendiary device exploded in the store, setting fire to furniture.一个燃烧装置在商店里爆炸,引燃了家具The room is jammed tight with furniture.房间里堆满了家具I stored my furniture until I found a new apartment.我把家具存放起来,直到找到新公寓为止。Most of our furniture is in storage.我们大部分的家具都存放起来了。The house is crammed with furniture and works of art.房子里摆满了家具和艺术品。She affects old furniture and china.她喜欢古老的家具和瓷器。The living room is furnished simply with wicker furniture.客厅里简单地摆放着几件柳编家具We measured the height, breadth, and depth of each piece of furniture.我们量了每件家具的高度、宽度和深度。The Victorian theme is echoed in the furnishings.维多利亚时代的主题风格在家具上再现。Her flat is full of heavy old brown furniture.她的公寓摆满了结实的老式棕色家具Solid wood furniture is sturdy and durable.实木家具结实耐用。All our furniture is being kept in storage until we can find a new apartment.目前我们把家具全都存放起来,直到我们找到新公寓。The house had its charms, not the least of which was the furniture that came with it.这房子有其诱人之处,特别是里面的家具You can put in a claim for the broken furniture.你可以就损坏的家具提出赔偿要求。During a riot, crowds carried away the courtroom's furniture.在一次骚乱中民众搬走了法庭的家具Let him dust and shine the furniture.让他去给家具除尘、将其擦亮。The furniture was battered beyond recognition.家具破损得叫人认不出了。They are a come-and-go class of beings, to whom the possession of furniture would be burdensome.他们是漂泊不定的一类人,购置了家具会给他们添麻烦。A band of moving trucks hauls all of the furniture out of the house.一队搬家卡车把所有家具一股脑儿全运出了房子。Suppliers add computer consumables, office equipment and furniture to their product range.供货商在其产品范围中增加了计算机耗材、办公设备和家具She rearranged the furniture.她重新布置了家具Are you able to squash all your furniture into such a small house?你能把所有家具放进这间小房子吗?The book offers advice on choosing fabrics, furniture, and accessories.这本书提供了在如何选择面料、家具和装饰品方面的建议。Their rooms were simple, with some select pieces of elegant furniture.他们的房间布置得很简洁,配的几件家具是精心挑选的,很雅致。I try to buy furniture at auctions because it is cheaper that way.我尽量在拍卖会上买家具,因为那样较便宜。I saw an advert for some cheap furniture in our local paper.我在我们本地的报纸上看到一则便宜家具的广告。Furniture can also be custom-made to suit your own requirements.你也可以按照自己的要求定制家具All our furniture arrived in one piece.所有家具都已安全送达。The house is fully furnished.这房子配备了全部家具The formal furniture really suited the style of the house.这种庄重的家具确实适合这房子的风格。




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