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词汇 chalked
例句 Harry chalked out the main features of the scheme in a report to head office.哈里在给总公司的报告中简述了计划的要点。Anything you do wrong will be chalked up against you.你所做的任何错事将被记下作为反对你的理由。Our team has chalked up a record score for the season.我们队已取得该季度最佳得分记录。Higgins chalked his cue.希金斯往球杆头上擦巧粉。The company has chalked up huge losses this quarter.公司在本季度累计亏损巨大。Andy Wilkinson chalked up his first win of the season.安迪·威尔金森取得了本赛季个人的第一场胜利。The teacher chalked out a design on the blackboard.老师用粉笔在黑板上勾画出一个图案。He chalked the message on the blackboard.他用粉笔将消息写在黑板上。When they found several million dollars missing, they chalked it up to miscellaneous party expenses.当他们发现少了几百万美元时,就把这笔钱归为各种政党活动的开销。She chalked a message on the side of the barn.她在谷仓侧面用粉笔留了言。The girls chalked out a grid on the tarmac.女孩子们在沥青碎石路面上用粉笔画了格子。She chalked one up on her opponent during the debate.她在辩论中占了对手的上风。Barney chalked a circle on the floor.巴尼用粉笔在地上画了个圈。He chalked the stage to show the actors where they should stand.他用粉笔在舞台上做标记,提示演员应该站的位置。Her early mistakes can be chalked up to inexperience.她早先的错误可归因于经验不足。The team has chalked up its fifth win in a row.这队一连五次取得胜利。Feeling ill was unusual for her so she chalked it up to lack of sleep.她很少感到身体不适,所以认为这次不舒服是因为睡眠不足。Low voter turnout was chalked up to a dull campaign.低投票率被归咎于竞选活动的乏味无趣。The initial accident might have been chalked up to carelessness.最初的事故可能是粗心大意造成的。He chalked out a simple plan of the new building.他用粉笔勾画了新大楼的简图。The general chalked out his plan of attack.将军对进攻计划作了粗略的介绍。She's chalked up four wins already this season.本赛季她已经取得了四场胜利。The affair is something I have chalked up to experience and hope to have learned a lesson from.这次婚外情给我上了一课,我希望自己从中吸取了教训。




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