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词汇 客户
例句 He's busy buttering up potential clients.他正忙着对潜在客户甜言蜜语呢。Clients are asked to rate their overall satisfaction.客户被要求给总体满意度打分。Customers will only incur additional call charges if the call is diverted outside the UK.只有当电话被转接到英国之外,客户才会被加收额外的电话费。The dealer had offloaded some of the shares onto a willing client.股票经纪人把其中一部分股票脱手给了一名乐意接盘的客户Forms will be sent to our clients for completion.表格会寄给我们的客户填好。The company secured many customers by advertising.这家公司用广告招徕许多客户He changed his schedule as an accommodation to his clients.他调整了自己的时间安排来迁就客户The spa boasts some very classy clients.那家水疗馆拥有一些高端客户You can reach more potential customers by using viral marketing techniques.你们可以利用病毒行销方式获得更多潜在客户I'm more than happy to refer my clients for a pedicure.我很乐意推荐客户去做足部护理。Much of the information the clinics gave people was incomplete and biased in favour of educated middle-class clients.诊所提供的大多数信息都是不完整的,而且偏向优待受过教育的中产阶级客户Clients will be billed monthly.客户会按月收到账单。We don't get enough customer feedback.我们并未得到足够的客户反馈。I adjoin a copy of my client's letter.我附了一份我客户的信件。We offer our customers a comprehensive range of financial products.我们为客户提供全面的金融产品。Clients are often taken for expense account lunches.客户吃午餐经常记入报销账户。The extranet will link the company with its customers and suppliers.外联网将公司与其客户及供应商联系了起来。The accountant is meeting with another client right now, but she'll be able to see you later this afternoon.会计师正在会见另一位客户,但是她今天下午可以见你。With excellent references from her clients, the business grew steadily.凭借她良好的客户口碑,业务实现了稳步增长。He saves his clients from paying a bushel of taxes.他帮客户免交了一大笔税款。He says that he has absolute proof that his client is innocent.他说他有确凿的证据证明他的客户是清白的。She remained in the doorway, listening to his litany of complaints against her client.她在门口一直听着他对她客户喋喋不休的抱怨。Bridge stole the money from clients' accounts.布里奇从客户的账户里偷了钱。The Defense Department is one of Lockheed's biggest regular customers.国防部是洛克希德公司最大的固定客户之一。It's against my principles to accept gifts from clients.接受客户礼物违背我的原则。She contacts clients regularly as a professional courtesy.出于职业礼节,她定期与客户联系。In some cases, US industry has lost sight of customer needs in designing products.某些情况下,美国工业在产品设计上忽略了客户的需求。Our clients won't necessarily understand why we are raising our prices.我们的客户不一定会理解我们提价的原因。Some insurers have wised up to the fact that their clients were getting very cheap insurance.一些保险公司已经意识到其客户所得到的保险金非常少。We are working in close partnership with our Japanese clients.我们正在与我们的日本客户紧密合作。We can't afford to lose such an important customer.我们承受不起失去一位这么重要的客户Customers can track a shipment over the Web.客户可以在网上跟踪货物。They now take extra steps to verify the creditworthiness of customers.他们现在又采取额外措施来核实客户的信用度。We offer free banking for customers whose accounts remain in credit.我们向账户有存款的客户免费提供银行服务。By tapping into the comprehensive property management skills in the group, we can create a tailored one-stop solution for the client.通过利用该小组全面的资产管理技能,我们能为客户量身定做一站式解决方案。The company is offering discount to its valued customers.公司给重要的客户提供折扣。It's better not to become emotionally involved with clients.最好不要和客户产生感情纠葛。That company was one of our biggest/best accounts.那家公司是我们最大/最好的客户之一。Mike gobbled his lunch down then dashed off to meet his next client.迈克三下两下吃完午餐,然后赶紧去见下一位客户They lost several potential clients through their inattention to detail.由于对细节的疏忽,他们失去了一些潜在的客户




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