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词汇 审问
例句 The police pulled him in for questioning.警察把他拘捕审问The suspects were interrogated by local police.这些嫌疑犯已被当地警察审问过了。The children remained silent and watchful as the police questioned their parents.当警察审问他们的父母时,孩子保持安静,非常警惕。Several men were questioned by police yesterday about the burglary.警方昨天就盗窃案审问了几个人。Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or imprisoned in recent weeks.数千名持不同政见者在最近几周遭到审问或拘禁。The police are holding him for questioning.警方把他扣押进行审问When the police questioned Davis, it was clear someone else had gotten to him first.警方在审问戴维斯的时候,发现他显然已被人要挟住了。Police say she was cool and collected during her interrogation.警方说她在审问过程中表现得冷静自若。I was well aware of what my interrogators wanted to hear.我很清楚审问我的人想听到些什么。The dead man's wife was questioned by police.那名死者的妻子受到警察的审问After questioning, he admitted to the murder.经过审问,他承认自己是凶手。After several hours of questioning, he finally coughed up the information.经过几个小时的审问,最后他供出了情报。It was a classic of interrogation: first the bully, then the kind one who offers sympathy.那是典型的审问方式:先来一个唱白脸,再来一个唱红脸。She was cool and collected during her interrogation.在整个审问过程中,她表现得冷静、镇定。The man spent seven hours in custody, periodically being questioned by the police.那个男人被拘留了七个小时,期间不时接受警方的审问The American will appear before members of the disciplinary committee at Portman Square.那个美国人将在波特曼广场接受纪律委员会成员的审问His nerves were in rags after hours of questioning.审问几小时之后,他的神经垮了。The police took him in for questioning.警察把他拘留起来进行审问After questioning the suspect closely, investigators decided he was not a part of the drug operation.对嫌疑犯仔细审问之后,调查人员断定他没有参与这次毒品行动。After several days of questioning, he admitted to match fixing.经过几天的审问,他供认操纵了比赛。Luis told me how he'd been picked up by military police in the middle of the night, and taken away for questioning.路易斯告诉我军警半夜里将他逮捕并拉去审问的经过。Officers from the inquiry team had failed to interview him.调查小组的警官未能对他进行审问Two men have been arrested and questioned.已经逮捕了两名男子,并对他们进行了审问He was questioned by police twice yesterday.他昨天被警察审问了两次。The prisoner finally broke down under intensive questioning.在强大的审问攻势下,囚犯的精神防线终于崩溃了。She was interrogated without respite for twenty-four hours.她被不间断地审问了二十四小时。He was interrogated but he refused to talk.他受到审问,但是拒不招供。A man is being questioned by detectives in connection with the murder of a young girl.一名男子正因一位少女被杀之事接受侦探的审问The detective offered him a cigarette, then proceeded with the interrogation.侦探给了他一根烟,然后继续审问She didn't break, even under hours of intense interrogation.她甚至在几个小时的严厉审问下也没有垮掉。The prisoner was questioned before his release.囚犯被释放之前受到了审问When they started questioning him, he got the wind up.他们开始审问他时,他变得不安起来。Intensive questioning finally broke the prisoner down.强大的审问攻势最终使囚犯精神防线崩溃。Police took him away for questioning.警察把他带走审问Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or incarcerated.成千上万持不同政见者被审问或关押。Two men are being held for questioning in connection with the Paris bombing.两名男子因涉嫌巴黎炸弹事件被扣留审问




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