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词汇 实现
例句 There is a sporting chance that your plan will work.现在有一个实现你计划的好机会。There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer.正在为实现零部件标准化和减少推出的型号数量而努力。In the event of a hung Parliament he would still fight for everything in the manifesto.假如出现一个没有多数党的议会,他也仍将继续为实现宣言里提出的所有目标而奋斗。In her view, women's full participation in the labor market is a necessary condition of equality.在她看来,妇女全面投入劳动力市场是实现平等的必要条件。Measures will be taken to help modernize the country's armed forces.将要采取措施帮助该国的武装部队实现现代化。Alan was finally able to fulfil his promise to Sarah.艾伦终于能够实现他对萨拉的承诺。Their remedy lay within the range of existent technology.他们的治疗方法利用现有技术可以实现Her wish to become a movie star was finally realized.她当电影明星的愿望终于实现了。It takes time for true democracy to work.实现真正的民主是需要时间的。We are making steady progress towards equal status for men and women.我们在实现男女平等的问题上取得了稳步的进展。The previously unthinkable is not only thinkable, but achievable.先前不可想象的事现在不仅可以考虑,而且能够实现She fulfilled her life's ambition when she started her own business.她自己创业,实现了她的人生抱负。We feel that we have largely succeeded in our aims.我们觉得已经基本上实现了目标。A rescue plan could be achieved by sending an unmanned module to the space station.可以通过向太空站发射无人太空舱来实现救援计划。Creative, two-way learning between teacher and pupil can take place.教师和学生之间创造性的双向学习是可以实现的。I had fulfilled many of my youthful ambitions.年轻时的很多抱负我都一一实现了。He has failed to work out a coherent strategy for modernising the service.他未能制定出一条连贯的策略来实现服务的现代化。The team was trailing after the first half, but they made/staged a comeback and won in the second half.球队在上半场结束时落后,但他们在下半场实现逆转并赢得了比赛。Massive investment is needed to automate the production process.实现生产过程的自动化需要大量的投资。The department needs more money to achieve its objectives.该部门需要更多资金以实现其目标。The working class is still too small to enable a successful socialist revolution.工人阶级队伍还是非常弱小,不能成功实现社会主义革命。She refused to let the injury keep her from attaining her goal of being in the Olympics.她拒绝让伤痛阻止自己实现参加奥运会的目标。This plan goes farthest toward achieving our goal.这个计划最有利于实现我们的目标。The country has been steadily industrializing.这个国家一直在稳步实现工业化。The government hopes to industrialize some of the agricultural regions.政府希望使一些农业地区实现工业化。Will the government be able to meet their spending targets?政府能够实现他们的开支目标吗?In this work he achieved a concord of form, space, light and color which he was never to surpass.在这部作品中,他实现了之后再也未能超越的形式、空间、光线和色彩的和谐统一。It was the first country to industrialize.这是第一个实现工业化的国家。Campaign in the rest of the world in pursuance of this objective.在世界其他地方开展运动以实现这一目标。He was thrilled by the realization of his lifelong dream.他一辈子的梦想实现了,这让他感到很激动。We are working together to pursue a common goal.我们正在共同努力实现共同的目标。Public opinion in America supported Gandhi in his struggle for an independent India.美国的公众舆论支持甘地为实现印度独立而斗争。Contraception enables couples to plan their families.夫妻通过避孕可以实现计划生育。A small donation can help make a child's wish come true.一笔小小的捐款就能帮助实现孩子的梦想。We watch professional athletes play out our dreams on the field.我们观看职业运动员在赛场上实现我们的梦想。This committee will enable decisions to be made democratically.该委员会将实现民主决议过程。They're fine-tuning interest rates to achieve economic growth without inflation.他们正微调利率,以实现不会引发通货膨胀的经济增长。Staff reductions could be achieved through attrition and early retirements.减少员工数量可以通过自然减员和提前退休来实现Election candidates frequently promise a lot more than they can deliver.竞选候选人往往许下许多诺言,大大超过了他们能够实现的数量。We tried to help you expedite your plans.我们尽力帮你加快实现你的计划。




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