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词汇 实力
例句 The key to our strength lies in our members.我们实力的关键在于我们的成员。The dispute developed into a trial of strength between management and the union.这场纠纷演变成了资方与工会之间实力的较量。The team can't afford to carry any weak players.球队养不起没有实力的球员。The one-sidedness of the game made it very boring.比赛双方的实力悬殊使比赛变得很无聊。It's clear that smaller, more vulnerable banks have been targeted.很明显,规模较小、实力较弱的银行已被确定为目标。When we have no strength, we get the back of the hand.我们如果没有实力,就会被人瞧不起。That's hardly a fair match. The champ will skin the challenger alive.那不是一场实力相当的比赛。那冠军肯定会把前来挑战的对手打得一败涂地。They proved conclusively that they can compete with the best teams.他们毋庸置疑地证明了他们有实力和一流球队一争高下。Minton is an outstanding boxer, with tremendous confidence in his own ability.明顿是一位出色的拳击手,他对自己的实力非常自信。The Republicans do not have the political muscle to prevent the treaty being rejected by Congress.共和党没有足够的政治实力来防止国会否决该条约。The young republic was conscious of its own strength and eager to flex its muscles.这个年轻的共和国意识到了自己的实力,迫不及待地要展示一番。They have put muscle in their diplomacy.他们已增强了外交上的实力This will be a severe test of our strength.这将是对我们实力的严峻考验。Australia's rugby union team for the return clash with New Zealand is weakened by injury.将再次和新西兰队交手的澳大利亚业余英式橄榄球队由于球员受伤实力削弱了。She seems to have got the measure of the champion.她似乎已经摸清了那个冠军的实力His strengths more than compensate for his weaknesses.他的实力大大弥补了他的弱点。They are stronger than us and can afford to bide their time.他们比我们有实力,可以耐心等待时机。When I first started this job, I felt I had to prove myself.我刚开始干这份工作的时候,觉得必须证明一下自己的实力Milan are going to win the cup for sure. They're just such a strong team.米兰队肯定会赢得奖杯,他们实力就是强。She is a celebrity in her own right.她凭借自身实力成了名人。In the contest he was paired up with an opponent about his equal.在比赛中,他被安排跟一个与他实力不相上下的人对阵。The team felt they had something to prove and played brilliantly.该队觉得他们要向大家证实自己的实力,因此打得很出色。Happiness does not reside in strength or money.幸福不在于实力或金钱。The women's basketball team has talent, speed, and power.这支女子篮球队具备天赋、速度和实力The boxer played possum for the first few rounds, letting his opponent tire himself out.在头几个回合中,那名拳击手隐藏实力,令对手耗尽体力。That company is a giant in the electronics industry.那家公司在电子工业中实力最强。The United States has to be careful it doesn't overplay its hand.美国必须谨防高估自身实力The bank was then at the pinnacle of England's financial system.那家银行当时是英国金融系统中实力最雄厚的。The two teams are very evenly matched.两支球队实力非常接近。We put on a couple of more experienced players to even things up a bit.我们增加了几个较有经验的选手,使球队的实力平衡一些。The school is very well resourced.该校实力十分雄厚。The British will be out to see how they stack up to the competition.英国人会想要看看他们在竞赛中实力如何。They have all the markings of a championship team.他们具备夺冠的实力America is once again being seen as a strong, can-do nation.美国再次被认为是个实力强大、乐于尝试的国家。With such a strong team, France are heading for certain success.法国队实力如此强大,肯定会在比赛中取胜。He was trying to judge the strength of his opponent.他试图摸清对手的实力It is a very well-endowed college.这是一所实力非常雄厚的大学。We moved some of the better players to make the two sides equal.我们调动了几名水平较高的选手以使双方实力相当。In the next game they will face the mighty Patriots.下一场比赛中他们将迎战实力强大的爱国者队。Europe was flexing its cultural muscles in the name of humanitarianism.欧洲在以人道主义的名义展示自己的文化实力




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