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词汇 官方
例句 Without official endorsement, the project cannot proceed.未经官方认可,这个项目无法进行。This week's anniversary of his death is a Russian nonevent.俄国官方对于本星期他的周年忌日不予理会。An official enquiry into the incident was launched.官方对这一事件进行了调查。The death was officially listed as drowning.这一死亡事件被官方作为溺死记录在案。Officials are expecting a heavy/high concentration of tourists for the festival.官方预计节日期间会有大量游客聚集。The official figures are a gross underestimate of the true number.官方估计数字显然大大低于真实数目。Officials have not yet ruled out sabotage as a possible cause of the crash.官方尚未排除此次坠机可能是一次蓄意破坏的可能性。The change is part of the government's policy of phasing in Arabic as the official academic language.这一变革是政府将逐步采用阿拉伯语作为官方学术语言政策的一部分。The Party was certainly not an official adjunct of the police department.该党派肯定不是公安部门的官方附属机构。The newspaper Pravda was the official organ of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union.《真理报》曾是苏联共产党的官方报纸。This leaves the individual at the mercy of officialdom.这使得个人任凭官方摆布。If you are offered a commission-free currency exchange, make sure that you are getting the official exchange rate.如果有人向你提供免佣金的货币兑换服务,一定要确保兑换按官方汇率进行。The official report basically exonerated everyone.官方报道基本上宣布所有人无罪。Despite official denials, the rumours still persist.尽管官方予以否认,但谣言仍未平息。Government auditors will certify the financial reports.官方审计员将验证这些财务报表。The authorities took especial interest in him because of his trade union work.因为他在工会工作,官方对他特别感兴趣。There's been no official condemnation of the bombing.对这次轰炸,官方没有作出任何谴责。Kings and queens wear crowns at official ceremonies.国王和女王出席官方仪式时戴王冠。The official report into the cause of the fire was labeled a whitewash.官方对火灾原因的报告被说成是对真相的隐瞒。This tradition goes totally unacknowledged in official guidebooks.这种传统在官方指南中根本未得到认可。Official documents are written in formal register.官方文件是以正式语体写成的。Despite protests, the official decision stood.尽管有人抗议,官方决定维持不变。Due to official parsimony, only the one machine was built.由于官方舍不得花钱,只造了一台机器。The credibility gap is the result of a deliberate policy of artificial manipulation of official news.民众对政府的不信任是官方假造新闻政策的结果。They would have to `sing for their supper' during the exhausting official round of duties.他们不得不在那些耗人精力的官方手续的办理过程中进行疏通。We extended an official greeting to the ambassador.我们以官方名义对大使表示问候。My participation is unofficial.我的参加不代表官方Officials have pledged that the currency peg to the US dollar will be maintained.官方已经承诺美元汇率制度将保持不变。The royal engagement was announced officially this morning.今天上午官方正式宣布了皇室订婚一事。The official explanation is that he hurt himself accidentally, but many people suspect that he was injured in a fight.官方解释说他是意外自伤,但是很多人都怀疑他是在打斗中受的伤。Due to official parsimony only the one machine was built.由于官方过于吝啬,仅制造了那一台机器。She was accused of destroying official documents.她被控销毁官方文件。African leaders are worried, firstly about the official flow of aid, and also about levels of private investment.非洲的领导人首先是担心官方援助的提供,同时也担心私人投资的水平。The authorities have arrested several people suspected of espionage.官方已经逮捕了几个涉嫌从事间谍活动的人。Is this broccoli certified organic? 这西蓝花有官方绿色认证吗?According to government sources, two people died in the incident.官方报道,这起事件中有两人死亡。The official report on the Kennedy assassination was whitewash.甘迺迪谋杀案的官方报导是掩饰之辞。The Official Secrets Act was described as a piece of portmanteau legislation, covering everything from nuclear weapons to army boots.官方保密法》被描述为一个内容庞杂的立法,涵盖了从核武器到军靴的一切东西。The fact that the number of deaths from cancer in the area has doubled surely gives the lie to official assurances of the safety of nuclear power.该地区的癌症死亡人数已经翻了一番,这个事实说明官方对核电安全性所作的种种保证纯属一派胡言。The official promise to compensate people for the price rise clearly hadn't been worked out properly.官方就物价上涨对民众进行补偿的承诺显然没有落实好。




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