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词汇 官僚
例句 France created a powerful centralized bureaucracy.法国产生了强大的中央集权官僚I don't like being buggered about by faceless bureaucrats with all their forms.我可不想让那些千人一面的官僚用各种表格骚扰我。The organization is highly bureaucratic.这个组织非常官僚Even Brussels bureaucrats can't homogenize national cultures and tastes.哪怕是布鲁塞尔的官僚也无法使民族文化和品位单一化。He blames governmental/bureaucratic inertia for the holdup.他把交通阻塞归咎于政府/官僚的不作为。He was a bureaucrat to the core.他是个十足的官僚There was a bureaucratic muddle over his appointment.他的任命引发了官僚系统的一片混乱。The bureaucrats dallied too long.这些官僚拖拉了太久。The economy is still controlled by bureaucrats.经济依然被官僚们所掌控。The official procedure for obtaining a visa can turn into a bureaucratic nightmare.申请签证的正式手续有时就像一场官僚噩梦。She felt lost in the bureaucratic tyrannies of the university system.在大学官僚专制体制内她觉得茫然无措。Ordinary people are at the mercy of faceless bureaucrats.普通人的命运任凭那些平庸刻板的官僚们摆布。Doctors are complaining that the system is cumbersome and bureaucratic.医生抱怨说该体制复杂繁琐,很官僚I think these bureaucrats have a jolly good time at the taxpayer's expense.我觉得这些官僚花着纳税人的钱过得真逍遥。The economy is still controlled by bureaucrats.经济仍然由官僚控制。Political party apparatchiks are appointed to every office of social authority.每个具有社会权力的官职都由政党官僚出任。Nowhere in Britain has bureaucratic centralization proceeded with more pace than in Scotland.在英国,官僚集权化发展最快的就是苏格兰了。The company was burdened by a top-heavy bureaucracy.公司将多兵少,官僚重重,不堪重负。They have decentralized the company and made it less bureaucratic.他们分散了公司业务,减少了一些官僚气。The real power lies with a bureaucracy that is not accountable to the public.实权掌握在对公众不负责任的官僚手中。Like most microbusiness owners, she fears bureaucratic regulations and red tape.和绝大部分微型企业的拥有者一样,她担心官僚规章和繁文缛节。He gets things done by cutting through the bureaucratic red tape.他能避开官僚的繁文缛节把事情迅速办成。Our freedom is being eroded by well-meaning bureaucrats.我们的自由正在被好心办坏事的官僚们削弱。Bureaucratic power has encroached upon the freedom of the individual.官僚权力已经侵犯了个人的自由。In his columns he attacks the pettiness of officialdom.他在自己的专栏中抨击官僚气量狭小。




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