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词汇 完整
例句 Whole networks were created on the `you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' principle.完整的系统是建立在互帮互助原则基础之上的。I will have to make a full report of the situation to my superiors.我得写一份有关情况的完整报告给我的上级。We are compiling a full list of all local businesses.我们正在编一份包括当地所有公司的完整名录。The recipe calls for two whole cloves. 这道菜需要两粒完整的丁香。Expand the essay plan into a full essay.把提纲展开,写成一篇完整的文章。The medical experts have yet to report in full.医学专家还没有给出完整的报告。Is this a complete list?这是份完整的清单吗? They moulded a complete new bow section for the boat.他们为这艘船铸造了一个完整的新船头。The vehicle would not have the capacity to make the journey on one tank of fuel.这辆车单靠一箱燃料无法跑完整趟旅程。You've given a whole list of names and addresses at the back.你已经在末尾完整地列出了名字和地址。The charges are well/fully documented.这些指控完好/完整地记录在案。We sat through two of the speeches and then left.我们听完整整两个讲话,然后就离开了。A full report is expected inside three months.完整的报告要在三个月内完成。You can give me a full report later.你可以稍后给我一份完整的报告。You can find the full text of his speech on his Web site.你可以在他的网站找到他演讲的完整原文。Answer the questions in complete sentences, not phrases.完整的句子回答问题,不要用短语。They are trying to preserve the cultural integrity of the community.他们正努力保护社区文化的完整Complete this sentence.把这个句子填完整The full orchestra includes two harps.完整的管弦乐队包括两架竖琴。Write a complete sentence for each answer.每个答案都要写成完整的句子。For the sake of completeness we should add these figures to the report.完整起见,我们应该把这些数字加进报告里。I've never actually read the book in its entirety.实际上我从来没有完整地读过这本书。I enclose my completed application form.随信寄上我完整的申请表。His poetic accomplishments can now be viewed entire in the collection.现在可以从这本诗集里完整地看到他的诗歌成就。Nearly all seats have an unrestricted view.几乎在所有的座位上都可以看到完整清晰的画面。By an unfortunate oversight, full instructions do not come with the product.由于一个不幸的疏忽,产品未能附上完整的说明。This full-colour supplement includes full race details, plus a comprehensive run-down on all the British hopefuls.这份全彩附录包含了完整的比赛信息和对所有可能获胜的英国运动员的详细介绍。He gave the police a full account of what happened.他向警方就发生的事情作了完整的叙述。The project threatens the integrity of one of the world's most important wetlands.这一工程威胁到世界上最重要的一片湿地的完整He gave a full and accurate account of his movements.完整而准确地叙述了自己的行踪。The scene as written requires full orchestral accompaniment.依照剧本的要求,这场戏要有完整的管弦乐配乐。Historians looked to artists' representations of the lion to piece together a picture of how the lion once looked.历史学家寄希望于艺术家对这位名人的描绘,以完整呈现他从前的模样。The catalogue gives a full description of each product.目录上有每一种产品的完整介绍。When was the last time you listened to an album all the way through?你上一次完整地听完一张专辑是什么时候?Add three whole eggs plus two additional yolks.加三个完整的鸡蛋,再加两个蛋黄。For the sake of completeness I should mention one further argument.完整起见,我还想提一个论点。Britain had long plighted her word to maintain Belgian integrity and neutrality.英国一直承诺保证比利时的完整和中立。Scientists have unearthed a complete dinosaur skeleton in Montana.科学家在蒙大拿州出土了一具完整的恐龙骨骼化石。Having an intact nuclear family does not guarantee that a child will turn out well.有个完整的核心家庭并不能保证培养出来的孩子就一定好。This will be his first full season with the team.这将是他加入球队以来第一个完整的赛季。




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