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词汇 完全相反
例句 After listening carefully to my advice, she proceeded to do the exact opposite!她仔细听了我的劝告之后,开始做起完全相反的事情来!They asked for our advice and then did the opposite!他们问了我们的意见,但是做的却完全相反The result was quite opposite to what we had expected.结果和我们所期望的完全相反He was different from anyone I had known, very worldly, everything that Dermot was not.他不同于我认识的任何一个人,非常老成,与德莫特完全相反Our first baby hardly ever cried in the night, but our second is the opposite - we never get any sleep.我们第一个孩子晚上几乎从来不哭,可第二个就完全相反了—我们根本没法睡觉。What he said turned out to be the very reverse of the truth.结果发现他所说的与事实完全相反I used to boss my little sister around. Now the shoe is on the other foot. 过去我常指挥妹妹,现在情况完全相反了。When the experimenters repeated the tests on themselves, they observed an exactly opposite effect.当实验者在自己身上进行检测时,他们观测到了完全相反的结果。The company represented the antithesis of everything he admired.那家公司与他所崇尚的一切完全相反His opinion could hardly be more different from mine.他的观点正好和我的完全相反The wrong attitude will have exactly the reverse effect.态度不对,可能会产生完全相反的效果。We teach our children to speak correctly and to have good manners, and when they become teenagers they do exactly the opposite.我们教育孩子要说话得体、有礼貌,但他们十几岁时会做得完全相反She's the complete opposite to me.她和我完全相反I thought she'd be upset by the news, but her reaction was exactly the opposite.我以为她听了这个消息会难过,可她的反应完全相反What he said yesterday is in direct contradiction to what he said today.他昨天和今天的说法完全相反He was the complete opposite of Raymond.他与雷蒙德完全相反They came to conclusions diametrically opposed to ours.他们得出了与我们完全相反的结论。




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