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词汇 宇宙
例句 Scientists claimed yesterday to have solved the riddle of the birth of the Universe.科学家们昨天声称已经解开了宇宙形成之谜。Will the universe continue to expand eternally?宇宙会永久地持续扩展吗?Rockets can be instrumented to record observations in geomagnetism, cosmic rays and other phenomena of the universe.火箭可以装上仪器,把观测到的地磁、宇宙射线和其他宇宙现象都记录下来。What new secrets of the universe will the new telescope reveal?新望远镜将揭开宇宙什么样的新奥秘?Old theories about the origin of the universe have recently been resurrected.过去关于宇宙起源的理论最近又被重新提出来。When did the universe come into being?宇宙最初是何时形成的? The universe evolved from a densely packed primal inferno.宇宙是从原始的炽热混沌状态演变而来的。We live in an expanding universe.我们居住在一个不断膨胀的宇宙里。He presented a new concept of the beginning of the universe.他提出了一种宇宙起源的新概念。Well before a billionth of a second had elapsed the universe started to grow exponentially.十亿分之一秒远未逝去,宇宙已开始成指数级地迅速增大。The universe is governed by the laws of physics.宇宙受到物理法则的支配。Since the universe began, the galaxies have gradually moved further apart.宇宙开始的时候起,星系之间就逐渐地越来越远。The debate about the origins of the universe has been going on throughout recorded history.关于宇宙起源的争论贯穿于整个有文字记载的历史。We may now be able to get a much better idea of the true age of the universe, and solve one of the deepest questions of our origins.现在,我们也许能够更加清楚地了解宇宙生成的年代,并且解答关于人类起源最为深奥的问题之一。It's difficult to really imagine an infinite universe.很难真的想象出一个无限的宇宙She is convinced that parallel/alternate universes exist.她坚信存在平行/另外的宇宙My intuition tells me that life is a natural phenomenon in the universe.我的直觉告诉我:生命是宇宙间的一种自然现象。How many stars are there in the universe?宇宙中有多少颗恒星?The universe is infinite.宇宙是无边无际的。Einstein's equations show the universe to be expanding.爱因斯坦的方程式表明宇宙正在膨胀。In the beginning, as the story goes, God created the universe.据说,最初上帝创造了宇宙By this time, the steady state theory of the universe had been largely abandoned.到此时,宇宙稳态论大半已被扬弃。Light travels at the highest achievable velocity in the universe.光的传播速度是宇宙中物体所能达到的最高速度。He could explain the universe without resort to gods or demons.无需借助神或魔鬼,他就能解释宇宙For the first time since creation, the survival of the Earth is entirely in our hands.宇宙形成以来,地球的存亡第一次完全掌握在我们手中。The universe has no definitive size.宇宙是无限大的。Compared to how long it took for the Universe to evolve, our human time scale is tiny.宇宙演化所需的时间相比较,我们人类的年代太微不足道了。The discovery will be of great interest to scientists studying the origins of the universe.研究宇宙起源的科学家对此发现将会很感兴趣。The immensity of the universe is difficult to grasp.宇宙浩瀚无边,超出人们的想象。Now space satellites are used to speed long distance calls.现在宇宙卫星被用来快速传送长途电话。It was Ptolemy who propounded the theory that the earth was at the centre of the universe.是托勒密提出了地球位于宇宙中心的理论。There are several schools of thought about how the universe began.对于宇宙是如何形成的,有几派不同的看法。The laboratory has become a testing ground for ideas about the origins of the universe.实验室成了有关宇宙起源说的测试场地。The universe is theoretically infinite.从理论上来讲,宇宙是无边无际的。Do you think we are the only form of intelligent life in the universe?你认为我们是宇宙中唯一有智能的生命形式吗?I had published my speculations about the future of the universe in the Review of Modern Physics.我已经在《现代物理评论》上发表了自己对宇宙未来的猜测。The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation.此项研究的核心是早期宇宙和银河系的形成。The universe is still expanding.宇宙还在膨胀。Einstein's revolutionary theories made people look at the universe in a completely new way.爱因斯坦的革命性理论使人们用一种全新的方法来看宇宙Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?宇宙中别的地方存在着智慧生命吗?




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