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词汇 孩子般
例句 I still can't help liking him. He has a childlike quality.我仍然会情不自禁地喜欢他,因为他有着孩子般的性情。Despite his air of blasé , there was something childlike and curious about Andy Warhol.安迪·沃霍尔尽管摆出一副满不在乎的样子,却有一种孩子般的、好奇的神态。I still get childishly excited by every new menu.每推出一份新的菜单,我仍然会像孩子般兴奋起来。For me, recovery has been all about finding my inner child and accepting her.对我来说,康复就是找到并接受自己内心孩子般的情感。The sight filled her with childlike excitement.这情景让她充满了孩子般的兴奋。His boyish looks seemed to proclaim his inexperience.孩子般的长相使他显得缺乏经验。His childlike excitement verged on giddiness.孩子般的兴奋让他飘飘然的。He turned to me with a boyishly excited look in his eyes.他转过来朝着我,眼神里透出孩子般的兴奋。She knew she was making a spectacle of herself with her childish outburst, but she couldn't seem to help herself.她知道自己孩子般地乱发脾气很出洋相,可她似乎控制不住自己。His audience had listened like children, spellbound by his words.他的观众像孩子般倾听着,被他的话深深吸引了。His most enduring quality is his childlike innocence.他最具持久魅力的特质就是他那孩子般的天真无邪。Christmas always fills her with childlike excitement.圣诞节总是让她充满了孩子般的兴奋。She has a child-like innocence which I find very appealing.她有一种孩子般的天真,我觉得很吸引人。




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