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The children were in bed and the lights were out.孩子们上床了,灯全灭了。Fearful parents kept their children indoors.恐惧的父母让孩子们呆在室内。My main concern now is to protect the children.我现在最关心的就是要保护好孩子们。Are you kids strapped in back there?孩子们,你们在后面系好安全带了吗?Drama can help children to express their emotions.戏剧能帮助孩子们表达他们的情感。You have to let the children develop a sense of their own identity.你得让孩子们发展自身的个性意识。While many adults play down television's impact, the children are not so blasé.许多成年人贬低电视的影响,而孩子们却不是那么不为所动的。I'll phone you as soon as I've got the children off to school.我把孩子们打发上学后马上打电话给你。The children sat side by side on the sofa watching television.孩子们肩并肩地坐在沙发上看电视。Gabrielle was tired of staying at home with the children.加布丽埃勒对留在家里跟孩子们在一起感到烦了。The children were in such a state that the police couldn't question them.孩子们如此不安,警察无法向他们提问。The children didn't know what to do with themselves for excitement.孩子们兴奋得无法控制自己。Much of what children learn comes directly from the mass media.孩子们学到的东西大部分直接来自大众传播媒介。Children play with dolls and role-play to learn about empathy and caring.孩子们玩玩偶时通过角色扮演学习同情和关心。The children squirmed with delight.孩子们高兴地扭来扭去。Take a few more for the kids. There, that should do it.再给孩子们拿一些,喏,这下该够了。The children all tried to come in the door at once, head over heels.孩子们推搡着,想一下子拥进屋来。He drove the taxi to pay for his children's college education.他靠开出租供孩子们上大学。It's important for children to learn about the people and things that came before us.让孩子们了解过去的人和事是非常重要的。The boys threw stones in the pond.孩子们把石子扔进池塘。When children end up taking care of their parents, it is a strange role reversal indeed.当孩子们最终要照顾父母时,这的确是一种奇妙的角色互换。I decided to pack a few things and take the kids to my Mum's.我决定收拾些东西,带孩子们去我妈妈家。She does not trust her children out of her sight.她看不见孩子们就不放心。I think you are doing an amazing job with those children.我想你在和那些孩子们做一件了不起的事情。The children were pushing and shoving to see the clowns.孩子们相互推挤着看小丑表演。Sometimes it is hard for children to make new friends.有时候孩子们很难结交新朋友。The children were similarly dressed.孩子们的打扮很相似。She's stuck at home all day with the children.她整天与孩子们一起呆在家里。As children grow older, they enjoy going on errands.孩子们长大以后,很愿意为父母跑腿。The children were playing house, giving dinner to their dolls.孩子们在玩过家家,喂玩具娃娃吃饭。She undressed the children for bed.她给孩子们脱衣服,让他们上床睡觉。Her husband's pride was a small thing to sacrifice for their children's security.为了孩子们的安全,舍弃她丈夫的尊严不算什么。If your children walk to school, have them use the buddy system. 如果你的孩子们步行上学,让他们和其他孩子结伴而行。She put the kids to work cleaning the basement.她让孩子们去打扫地下室。The children made themselves ready for a swim.孩子们准备去游泳。He always talks about his children with a twinkle in his eye.一说起自己的孩子们,他的眼睛就亮起来了。I dropped the kids off at the babysitter's.我把孩子们送到保姆家。Stay close to me, children!离我近点,孩子们!The children walked around at the party offering refreshments.孩子们在晚会上走来走去给大家送茶点。Let children know you are also human and experience difficulties, but don't dump on them!让孩子们了解你也是凡人,也会遇到困难,但是不要将你的问题转嫁到他们身上。 |