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词汇 学院
例句 He served as the college's interim president while the committee searched for a permanent replacement.委员会在寻找正式接替者期间,由他担任学院的临时院长。The college offers a wide variety of programmes of study.学院开设各种各样的学习课程。She teaches at a college of further education.她在一所进修学院执教。We like our students to take part in college sports activities.我们希望让学生参加学院的体育活动。On receipt of the tuition fees, the college will issue a letter confirming your seat on the course.当受到学费后,学院会发信确认你在课程内的位置。The college is dedicated to promoting lifelong learning.学院致力于推进终身学习。The college threw out a new wing for science studies.学院在教学大楼旁增建新侧楼供理科教学之用。The faculty welcomes prospective students wishing to visit departments.学院欢迎想参观各系、有意前来就读的学生。The college is offering aspiring actors the opportunity to work with a professional cast.学院正在为有抱负的演员提供加入专业剧组的机会。I tutored a two-day Introduction to Chairmaking course at the college.我在那个学院教过为期两天的椅子制作入门课。The whole college was talking about it.整个学院都在谈论这件事。The college had its own power source.学院有自身的供电来源。The designer said she would stay at fashion school for several more years before branching out on her own.设计师说她会在时装学院再待几年,然后自己创业。We urge colleges and universities to demystify the selection process.我们敦促各学院和大学澄清其甄选学生的过程。Balliol College at Oxford牛津大学贝利奥尔学院Karen goes to Daley College.卡伦上的是戴利学院The college offers both academic and professional qualifications.学院提供学术和职业两方面的资格证书。Georgia's a fellow of Clare College, Cambridge.乔治娅是剑桥大学克莱尔学院的研究员。The college sent us a grateful acknowledgment of our donation.对于我们的捐赠,学院发来了感谢信。The college provides training in a wide range of occupations.学院提供一系列范围广泛的职业培训。Colleges and universities come in all shapes and sizes.学院和大学林林总总,一应俱全。He edited a daily paper before he came to teach at our college.他来我们学院任教之前充任过一份日报的主编。St. John's is a small college perched high up in the hills.圣约翰学院是一所高踞群山之中的小学院The new policy is opposed by prominent members of the faculty.新政策遭到学院骨干教师的反对。The article is based on the institute's exacting study of wages in the health care professions.这篇文章是根据该学院对保健行业的薪酬进行的严格调查研究而写的。The Academy excluded women from its classes.学院不招收女学生。The college has elected a woman as its new president.这个学院选举了一位女性担任新院长。He went off to the Amsterdam Academy to improve his technique.他动身前往阿姆斯特丹学院去进修技艺。He's on a tenure track in the French department of a college in Connecticut.他在康涅狄格州一所学院的法语系担任终身教职。The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college's founder.那所教师培训学院为该学院的创立者立了一块纪念牌匾。He spent two years at the textile institute.他在纺织学院学习过两年。The college cannot accept responsibility for items lost or stolen on its premises.对在校园内丢失或被盗的物品,学院概不负责。They've just finished a sell-out U.K. tour that climaxed with a three-night stint at Brixton Academy.他们刚刚结束了在英国的巡回演出,这次演出场场爆满,在布里克斯顿学院的最后三晚达到了高潮。The college has been in negotiations with some local businesses to set up links between the college and nearby firms.学院正在和一些本地企业商谈以建立起学院与附近公司之间的联系。Before his retirement he lectured at the Institut Pasteur.他退休前在巴斯德学院讲课。Wanchai boasts the Academy of Performing Arts, where everything from Chinese Opera to Shakespeare is performed.湾仔拥有香港演艺学院,从京剧到莎士比亚的各种剧目都在这里上演。There are a lot of overseas students studying at our college.我们学院桥有许多外国留学生。This degree programme is fully accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers.这门学位课程由电气工程师学院鉴定完全合格。The college offers classes in many subjects.学院开设有多门学科的课程。The college offers a wide range of distance-learning courses.学院开设一系列远程学习课程。




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