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词汇 学生会
例句 No student would have done it.没有学生会这么做的。Her debating skills were honed in the students' union.她的辩论才能是在学生会里磨炼出来的。English majors would be asked to explore the roots of language.英语专业的学生会被要求探究语言的根源。Students will be rewarded for good behavior.表现优秀的学生会受到奖励。The best pupils would be creamed off and given a superior training.最好的学生会被挑出来接受高级培训。Parents are concerned that children who have trouble in school will fall through the cracks in the school system. 家长们担心,学校里那些问题学生会被现行的教育体制所忽略。She was involved with the Student Union as Treasurer.她曾在学生会干过一阵子财务。Students who are rude and scruffy give the school a bad name.粗鲁邋遢的学生会玷污学校的名声。In school I was very active in sports and student government.在校时,我非常积极地参加体育活动和学生会的工作。Students will be penalized for mistakes in spelling and grammar.学生会因为拼写和语法错误而受到处罚。The student going to art or drama school will be very enthusiastic about further education. His is not a narrow mind, but one eager to grasp every facet of anything he studies.上艺术或戏剧学校的学生会渴望继续深造。他们思想活跃,迫切地想要掌握自己所学知识的每一个方面。Students who get some kind of work experience develop greater self-confidence and better communication skills.有工作经验的学生会更自信,具备更好的沟通技巧。Students tend to overuse certain words.学生会滥用某些词语。We believe that pupils of integrated schools will have more tolerant attitudes.我们相信在取消种族隔离的学校中就读的学生会有更宽容的态度。Constant correction by a teacher is often counterproductive, as the student may become afraid to speak at all.老师如不断纠正学生的错误往往会事与愿违,因为这样学生会不敢开口说话。Students who miss a lot of school can find it hard to catch up.缺课严重的学生会很难赶上。The school is considering allowing older students to leave the campus for lunch on Fridays, but I'm concerned that if we give them an inch, they'll take a mile. 学校正在考虑允许高年级学生星期五在校外吃午餐,但我担心这些学生会得寸进尺。It concerns me that some tutors are meeting with students outside college hours.有些导师课后还与学生会面,这让我感到不安。




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