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词汇 centre
例句 A shuttle service runs between the airport and the town centre.飞机场和市中心有班车往返。He was one of the small select group assembled by Penney, at the High Explosive Research centre.他是彭尼在烈性炸药研究中心召集的精英小组的一员。It would be to our mutual advantage to continue the training centre.把训练中心继续办下去对我们双方都有好处。Knots of delegates stood around outside the conference centre.代表团成员三三两两站在会议中心外。He always seems to be at the centre of things.他好像总是中心人物。The strike at the financial nerve centre was designed to dislocate the economy.在金融活动中心地区举行罢工,目的是扰乱经济秩序。Bake until light golden and crisp around the edges and slightly soft in the centre.烤至边缘浅黄松脆而中心稍软。The centre and left back double-teamed the guard.中锋和左后卫夹击对方的后卫。Paris known as the fashion centre以时装中心闻名的巴黎If the blocks are placed off-centre, they will fall down.积木如果搭得中心错位就会倒塌。Health workers are today marching through the centre of London in protest at government cuts.医疗卫生工作者今天将在伦敦中心游行以抗议政府削减开支。There is high demand for city centre offices.城市商业中心区写字楼的需求旺盛。They now live in the city centre.他们目前住在市中心。The council has given the green light to the new shopping centre.政务委员会已经准许建设新购物中心。The baker located his bakery in the new shopping centre.面包店主在新的商业中心区开设面包店。The sports centre offers such activities as dance classes, aerobics and weight training.体育中心提供的活动包括舞蹈班、有氧操和举重训练。The centre of Manchester has changed beyond all recognition.曼彻斯特的中心已经变得认不出来了。For most people, the cost of living in the centre of town is prohibitive.对大部分人来说,城中心的生活费高得令人望而却步。The proposed shopping centre has called forth an angry response from local residents.修建购物中心的计划引起了当地居民的愤怒。Traffic congealed in the city centre.市中心的交通瘫痪了。It created a glowing centre of warmth that quickly diffused through my limbs.它形成了一个温暖的热源,热量迅速扩散至我的四肢。It has become a thriving business centre.这里已经成为繁华的商业中心。In the centre of the table was a plate of assorted biscuits.桌子中间放着一只盘子,里面是各种各样的饼干。Points on a circle are equidistant from its centre.圆周上各点与圆心等距。He had taken up a position in the centre of the room.他占据了房间中央的位置。The shopping centre is a good place for browsing.这个购物中心是参观商品的好地方。She's the centre of attention everywhere she goes.她不论走到哪里都是众人瞩目的焦点。They've got a fabulous apartment in the centre of Paris.他们在巴黎市中心有一套极佳的公寓。A huge bed dominated the centre of the room.一张大床独占房间的中心。Most of the development is outside the city centre.大多数的新建住宅区都在市中心以外的地方。I dislike being the centre of attention.我不喜欢成为注意的焦点。The museum is a bit of a trek from the centre of town.市中心到博物馆走起来有点儿远。The children are the centre of her universe.孩子们是她生活的中心。Pick up a free map of the town from the visitor centre / center.在游客中心拿一份免费的本城地图。The lunge had thrown him off-balance and he spun, trying to regain his centre of gravity.向前的这一猛扑让他站立不住,他急忙一个转身想稳住重心。We caught a bus into the centre.我们乘公共汽车到市中心。Hollow out the centre of each apple carefully.小心地把每个苹果的果核挖出来。A gunman opened fire in a crowded shopping centre.一名持枪歹徒在一家拥挤的购物中心里开枪射击。A huge bomb blast brought chaos and devastation to the centre of Belfast yesterday.昨天一颗威力巨大的炸弹在贝尔法斯特市中心爆炸,引起一片混乱并造成严重破坏。She gently made an indentation in the centre of each cookie.她在每一块曲奇饼的中心轻轻地点了一个凹痕。




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