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词汇 学学
例句 You need to straighten up, young man.年轻人,你要学学好。Both their children graduated with degrees in economics.他们的两个孩子获得的都是经济学学位。She studied photography at college.她在大学学的是摄影。It's high time that you learned how to do it.你该学学怎么做了。His plan is to get a degree in economics and then work abroad for a year.他的计划是取得经济学学位,然后去国外工作一年。He'd studied chemistry at university.他在大学学过化学。She studied cartography in college.她大学学的是地图绘制。You should take a leaf out of Tom's book.你应该学学汤姆。He was in London at the time, finishing a degree in economics.他当时在伦敦读经济学学位。I studied French in college, but I haven't retained much of what I learned.我在大学学过法语,但现在忘得差不多了。You ought to take a leaf out of your brother's book, he was never late.你应当学学你兄弟,他从不迟到。I studied history in college.我在大学学历史。Maybe we should take a leaf out of Branson's book. It's easy to see how he became a billionaire.也许我们应该学学布兰森,大家都不难看出他是如何成为亿万富翁的。James studied at the university for eight solid years.詹姆士在大学学了整整八年。Maybe I should take a leaf out of Rick's book and start coming in early every morning.也许我该学学里克的样子,每天早上早些来。She majored in theater in college.她大学学的是戏剧表演专业。I wish you would imitate your brother a little more.我希望你多学学你的兄弟。She studied chemistry and physics at college.她在大学学的是化学和物理。He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.他可以再学学使用吸尘器、洗衣机和其他家用电器。You will never get anywhere if you study just by fits and starts.如果你学学停停,你将永远学不好。He studied architecture at university.他在大学学的建筑学。A nimble mind backed by a degree in economics gave him a firm grasp of financial matters.机敏的头脑再加上经济学学位作后盾使他对金融问题把握非常准。He has a degree in civil engineering.他有土木工程学学位。




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