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例句 Your paycheck will be automatically deposited into your account.你的收入将自动存入你的账户。The fees are deposited into the state's treasury.这些收费存入了国库。A smart card becomes an electronic purse when money is credited to the card via an electronic reader.当钱通过电子阅读器存入一张智能卡中时,这张卡就变成了一个电子钱包。I went to the bank to pay in a cheque.我去银行存入一张支票。The information is stored on computer.这条信息已存入了计算机。The money was lodged in a Swiss bank account.这笔钱存入了一个瑞士银行的账户。The money had been lodged with a Swiss bank.这些钱已存入一家瑞士银行。You have to download the update and save it to your hard drive.你得下载更新文件存入硬盘。She put the money in to a savings account so she wasn't tempted to spend it extravagantly.她把钱存入一个储蓄账户,这样就不会动心乱花掉了。One of his eccentricities was a stubborn reluctance to entrust his savings to a bank.他为人的怪僻处之一就是坚决不愿把钱存入银行。The public registry in Panama City keeps computerized records of all companies.巴拿马城的公共注册处把所有公司的登记信息都存入了电脑。I want to deposit my paycheck.我想存入我的工资支票。Once you have registered your particulars with an agency and it has banked your cheque, the process begins.一旦在某个代理行登记了详细信息并由它将支票存入银行,这一程序就开始了。She deposited the cheque in her husband's account.她把支票存入她丈夫的账户。You must endorse the check before you deposit it in the bank.存入银行之前,你必须给支票背书。All monies received will be deposited in a special account.收到的所有款项都将存入一个专用账户。Our company deposits cash receipts every day.我们公司每天都将现金收入存入银行。We bank locally.我们把钱存入当地银行。I'm getting worried because my account still hasn't registered a check I deposited a while ago.我开始担心起来,我的账户还没有把我刚存入的一张支票登记上去。The stallholders bank their money at the end of the day.摊贩们结束一天的生意后把钱存入银行。Yesterday its president was accused of salting away tens of millions of dollars in foreign accounts.昨天该公司总裁被指控将数千万美元存入外国账户。I paid the money into my account this morning.今天上午我把钱存入了我的账户。My salary is paid into my bank account.我的工资直接存入我的银行账户。My wife and I keep our money in a joint account. 妻子和我把钱存入一个共同账户。I was instructed that £20,000 had been paid into my account.我得到通知已有两万英镑存入我的账户。The image is then stored on the computer hard disk as a vast array of black or white dots.于是这幅图像就以大量黑点或白点排列的形式存入电脑硬盘。I'll put half the money in the bank and spend the rest.我将把一半的钱存入银行,另一半当花销。The dollars are then deposited with banks outside the USA.然后这些美金存入了美国境外的银行。He made out the check to me and signed it, and I deposited it in my account.他开了张支票给我并在上面签了名,我把它存入了我的银行账户。They'll credit your account immediately so you pay less interest.他们会立刻把钱存入你的账户,这样你就会少付点利息。She paid a few dollars weekly into her savings account.她每周往自己的储蓄存款账户存入几块钱。The money will be credited to your account tomorrow.这笔钱明天将存入你的账户。The image is then stored on the computer hard disk as a vast array of black or white dots.这幅图像当时就以大量黑点或白点排列的形式被存入电脑硬盘。I'll put the rest in the bank for a rainy day.我要把余款存入银行以备不时之需。The money is deposited in my account every month.钱每个月存入我的账户。Our paychecks are deposited in/into the bank automatically.我们的收入自动存入银行。He had waited about a week after signing the contract before he banked the cheque.签订合同后,他等了约一个星期才把支票存入银行。A photograph of each customer will be kept on record.每位顾客的照片都会被存入电脑。I had not yet had the chance to bank the money.我还没有机会把钱存入银行。He paid the cash in to his bank account.他把现金存入银行帐户。




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