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词汇 婴儿
例句 New mothers have been observed to touch the feet and hands first, then the body, and then the baby's face.人们注意到,新妈妈们先摸摸婴儿的手和脚,接着是身体,然后是脸。She dabbed the baby softly dry with towels.她用毛巾把婴儿轻轻揩干。Give the baby her bottle when she wakes up.婴儿醒来时用奶瓶给她喂奶。The baby was three weeks premature. 这个婴儿早产三周。Poor diet can affect the unborn baby.饮食不良会影响未出生的婴儿I had to go down on the floor to play with the baby.我得蹲在地板上和婴儿玩。A lot of babies spit up after feeding.许多婴儿会在进食后会溢奶。In due course the baby was born.婴儿足月降生了。Don't be so rough with her, James, she's only a baby.别对她那么凶,詹姆斯,她只是个婴儿The baby only lived a few hours.婴儿只活了几个小时。How old are babies when they learn to speak?婴儿几岁开始学说话的?He persuaded Virginia to name the baby after him.他说服弗吉尼娅以他的名字为婴儿取名。You would expect babies to know how to breast-feed by instinct.你本以为婴儿会本能地知道如何吃奶。Every baby has its own, individual personality.每个婴儿都有自己独特的个性。The minister baptized the infant.牧师为婴儿施了洗礼。She settled the baby down at last.她终于使婴儿安静下来。The doctor attached a tiny monitor to the baby's head.医生把一台微型监测器固定在婴儿的头上。They christened the baby Anna.他们给婴儿施洗,并取名安娜。Yesterday I saw the ugliest baby I've ever seen in my life.昨天我看见了有生以来见过的最丑的婴儿Hush! You'll wake the baby!嘘!你会把婴儿吵醒的。It's frustration that motivates babies to learn to walk.激励婴儿学习行走的是挫折感。His face collapses when the baby preferentially reaches for the mother.当这个婴儿最先把手伸向母亲时,他脸色一沉。Mother is nursing the baby.母亲正在给婴儿喂奶。The young couple shared the upbringing of their baby.这对年轻夫妇共同养育他们的婴儿Miraculously the baby appeared to be unhurt.不可思议的是,这名婴儿似乎没有受伤。If you give your baby juice, dilute it well with cooled, boiled water.如果给婴儿喝果汁,要用凉开水充分稀释。We have to stop her pinching her baby brother.我们必须制止她掐她还是婴儿的弟弟。Babies of alcoholic mothers can be born with a severe degree of handicap.母亲酗酒,她们的婴儿可能一生下来就有严重的生理缺陷。The baby rolled onto his front.那个婴儿翻过身俯卧。The baby wailed all night.婴儿哭叫了一整夜。She folded the baby tighter in her shawl.她把披巾里的婴儿裹得更紧了。Most babies can digest a wide range of food easily.大多数婴儿能轻易地消化多种食物。The baby gave a shriek of delight.婴儿发出了高兴的尖叫声。The children were all making a great fuss of the new baby.孩子们都对这个刚出生的婴儿特别好奇。He lifted the baby out of its cradle.他把婴儿从摇篮里抱出来。The baby has done a wee in his potty.婴儿往便壶里撒了尿。The baby couldn't breathe because its nose was congested.婴儿因为鼻子里满是鼻涕而透不过气来。The baby was playing with the rattle.婴儿在玩拨浪鼓。Babies are entirely egocentric, concerned only with when they will next be fed.婴儿都是完全以自我为中心的,他们只关心下次什么时候喂他们。A woman with a baby in a stroller was looking at clothes.一名妇女把婴儿放在婴儿车上推着看衣服。




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