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例句 My professional career started at Colgate University.我的职业生涯始于科尔盖特大学。The tradition was started many years ago.这个传统始于多年以前。Rue Guynemer begins at the front of the Fitzgerald site.吉内梅街始于菲茨拉德故居前。The campaign began last year.这场运动始于去年。He began his musical career in talent shows.他的音乐生涯始于才艺秀。Hurricanes begin as atmospheric disturbances over Africa.飓风始于非洲上空的大气扰动。The fate line begins close to the wrist.命运线始于接近手腕的地方。His passion for music began at the age of six when he had his first piano lessons.他对音乐的热爱始于六岁时的第一堂钢琴课。Their grudge relates back to a misunderstanding that took place years ago.他们的积怨始于多年前的一场误会。The industrial revolution which started a couple of hundred years ago in Europe is now spreading across the world.两百多年前始于欧洲的工业革命目前正在向全世界传播。The problems began last November.问题始于去年十一月份。The circus began in ancient Rome.竞技始于古罗马。Her long career in advertising began at a small firm in Chicago.她漫长的广告生涯始于芝加哥的一家小公司。We also realize the truth of that old saying: Charity begins at home.我们也明白了那句老话的道理:仁爱始于家庭。The Lake District begins just north of Kendal.湖区始于肯德尔北部。The industrial revolution which started a couple of hundred years ago in Europe is now spreading across the world.几百年前始于欧洲的工业革命目前正在全世界蔓延。The breach between them developed years ago.他们的关系破裂始于多年前。His interest in photography started with him developing negatives that he found lying around the house.他对摄影的兴趣始于冲洗在家里随处可见的底片。He started his career as a TV compere.他的职业生涯始于担任电视节目主持人。The Catholic church teaches that life begins at conception.天主教会教导说生命始于受孕。The Industrial Revolution originated in/from the invention of the steam engine.工业革命始于蒸汽机的发明。Most of her problems come from expecting too much of people.她的大多数问题都始于对别人要求过高。




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