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Her love for him was like a madness, and she was completely in its thrall.她爱他如痴如狂,完全不能自拔。The audience was enraptured by the young soloist's performance.年轻演员的独奏表演使得观众如痴如狂。He could whip a crowd into a frenzy.他能让一群人变得如痴如狂。The orator whipped the crowd up to a state of frenzy.演说者把人群的情绪鼓动到如痴如狂的地步。She was in an ecstasy of love.她爱得如痴如狂。The old man took a look at the kooky pop-music scene.老头儿看了一下流行音乐会如痴如狂的怪诞场面。The group's performance always drives the audience crazy.这个组合的表演总是让观众如痴如狂。His charm wrought a positive electrification of the audience.他的魅力使观众如痴如狂。 |