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Do you have a knack for coming up with ideas? If so, we would love to hear from you.你有什么能想出好点子的诀窍吗?如果有,我们很愿意收到你的来信。The interesting thing about O'Reilly is his sixth sense for finding people who have good ideas.奥赖利的有趣之处在于,他能够凭直觉找到有好点子的人。There were too many promising ideas lying fallow at the company.公司有太多好点子没有被派上用场。The magazine is packed with lots of ideas for decorating your home.这本杂志里有很多家庭装潢的好点子。He stole my idea.他剽窃了我的好点子。Our marketing people have come up with a great idea for the launch of the new model.我们的营销人员为新型号的上市想出了好点子。Why were grown-ups always so stuffy and slow to recognize good ideas?为什么成年人总是那么一本正经,对好点子反应那么迟缓呢? |