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词汇 好好地
例句 Don't you like a good gossip?你不想好好地聊聊吗?The lesson needs to be well rubbed in.这教训有必要好好地反复讲。I need to read up on my British history.我需要好好地研究一下英国历史。After his run, he took a long shower.他跑完后好好地冲了个淋浴。We both had a good sleep on the plane, so the jetlag wasn't too bad for either of us.在飞机上我们俩都好好地睡了一觉,所以时差反应不是太大。I was very depressed back then and had really let myself go. 当初,我十分消沉,没有好好地照顾自己。If I wanted to improve the car significantly I would have to pull it apart and start again.如果想好好地改进这辆车,我将不得不把它拆开重装。A lot of employers don't train their staff properly.许多雇主没有好好地培训雇员。These are good stretches for your leg muscles.这些动作可以好好地伸展你的腿部肌肉。What I need is to soak in a hot tub.我需要在热腾腾的澡盆里好好地泡一泡。We always have a huge spread for Thanksgiving.在感恩节我们总要好好地撮一顿。They thought they could cheat me, but I fixed them good.他们以为能骗过我,没想到我好好地教训了他们。Stop worrying about the past and live in the present.别再为过去烦恼,好好地过眼前的日子。Martha took the tablecloth outside and gave it a good shake.玛莎把台布拿到外面好好地抖了抖。Wash your hands thoroughly with hot soapy water before handling any food.在拿吃的之前,用热肥皂水把手好好地洗干净。Have a good breakfast to get your day rolling.好好地吃一顿早餐,开始新的一天。I'll be thankful for a good night's sleep after the week I've had.一个星期下来,我要能好好地睡上一个晚上就感激不尽了。Until we can talk about this in a civil manner, I consider the discussion closed.除非我们好好地谈这件事,否则我就觉得没什么好讨论的了。I'm considering taking quite a bit of time off work.我在考虑好好地休息一段时间。It's time we had a good sort-out.我们该好好地清理一下了。Chess champions must know how to use their rooks effectively.象棋冠军一定要知道如何好好地用他的车。If they give me the job I'll take you out for a slap-up meal.如果他们把那份工作给我,那我就请你到外面好好地吃顿美餐。I'm tempted to take a nice long vacation before I start the new job.我很想在开始新的工作之前好好地休一个长假。Why don't you get off my back and let me do my work!你就不能别打扰我让我好好地工作! Everybody believed that the missing plane was buried under the sea. Well, here is the zinger that it is still alive in some remote island and all the passengers are intact.每个人都认为那架飞机沈入海底了。令人震惊的消息是,它还好好地存在于一个海岛上,而且所有的乘客都还活著。He gave the pan a good scrub. 他把平底锅好好地刷了一遍。Somebody had worked him over pretty good.有人把他好好地打了一顿。Treat him right and he'll be your friend forever.好好地对待他,他就会成为你永远的朋友。The success of a relationship depends largely on how compatible two people are and how well they communicate.一段关系是否成功,很大程度上取决于两个人之间是否能和谐共处,好好地沟通。Give me a big smooch on the cheek before you go.在我脸上好好地亲一下再离开。Can you please be quiet? I can't think straight.你能安静一点吗?我无法好好地思考了。You just have to sit down and slog through long lists of new vocabulary.你必须坐下来好好地啃一啃长长的新词汇表。You can go see him and have a good old moan.你可以去看看他,好好地诉诉苦。What you need is a good long holiday.你需要的是好好地休一个长假。If you ask her nicely, she'll give you a hand.如果你好好地求她,她会帮你的。We were finally well rested and well fed.我们最后好好地休息了一下,也好好地吃了一顿。Hollywood gossips were saying that the studio lacked the funds to publicize its new film properly.好莱坞有传闻说制片公司缺少资金,未能好好地宣传它的新片。My father was just driving along, minding his own business, when suddenly a brick came through the window.我父亲正好好地开着车,突然一块砖头从车窗外飞进来。You need space to think everything over.你需要时间把一切好好地考虑清楚。After getting a good night's sleep, Pedro awoke refreshed and full of energy.佩德罗好好地睡了一个晚上,醒来时精神振作,充满活力。




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