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词汇 好奇
例句 Their curiosity was aroused by his strange clothes.他怪异的衣着引起了他们的好奇He peeped inquisitively into the drawer.好奇地往抽屉里窥视。We tried to rein in our excitement and curiosity.我们尽力克制住兴奋和好奇The visitors were soon surrounded by a crowd of curious children.来访者很快就被一群好奇的小孩子包围了起来。He takes a lively interest in the people around him.他对周围的人充满好奇She regarded him curiously for a moment.好奇地看了他一会儿。The diary entries were tantalizingly brief.条条日记都很简短,激起了人们的好奇I was pricked by the needle of curiosity.我突然感到好奇It was only from idle curiosity that she opened the book.只是出于单纯的好奇她翻开了那本书。She looked at me inquisitively.好奇地打量我。She was eaten with curiosity about him.她对他好奇极了。The interior was shielded from the curious gaze of passersby.屋子内部被挡住了,以防路人好奇地张望。I'm not being nosy, I'm just curious.我倒不是爱管闲事,只不过是好奇罢了。I could see Robby watching curiously.我可以看到罗比在好奇地看着。He has an inquisitive nature.他生性好奇I was bursting with curiosity.我满心好奇Paula watched her with fascinated curiosity.葆拉看着她,好奇得不得了。Curious friends questioned me about the case.好奇的朋友询问我有关这个案子的事。They satisfied their curiosity about me.他们对我的好奇得到了满足。Curious shoppers lifted up their children to take a closer look at the parade.好奇的购物者把自己的孩子举起来,好让他们更清楚地看到游行的队伍。I liked children, loved their innocence and their inquisitiveness.我喜欢孩子,喜欢他们的天真与好奇Her tearful eyes brightened with interest.她含着泪水的双眼因为好奇而闪闪发亮。The curious reader can find more information in the back of the book.好奇的读者能在书的末尾部分找到更多信息。Sandra looked at him curiously.桑德拉好奇地看着他。Curious tourists and reporters from around the globe are descending on the peaceful villages.好奇的游客和记者从世界各地一齐涌向这些平静的村落。The kids were wide-eyed and inquisitive.小孩子们瞪大了眼睛,满心好奇He stared at her in unashamed curiosity.好奇地盯着她,一点儿也不觉得难为情。I tried to fantasize about Christine: those wondering blue eyes, that coppery red hair of hers.我对克里斯蒂娜想入非非:她那双充满好奇的蓝眼睛、那头红棕色的秀发令人着迷。I watched them in breathless wonder.我屏住呼吸,好奇地看着他们。She wrinkled her brow inquisitively.好奇地皱起了眉头。He looked at the strange object curiously.好奇地看着那个怪东西。We gazed at it in childlike wonder.我们天真好奇地注视着它。Despite his air of blasé , there was something childlike and curious about Andy Warhol.安迪·沃霍尔尽管摆出一副满不在乎的样子,却有一种孩子般的、好奇的神态。Her account has so successfully converted imagination into reality that there is little room for the reader to speculate, question or wonder.她的描述已成功地从想象变为现实,读者没有多少猜测、质疑或好奇的空间。I am very curious about the ideation of this project. Can you elaborate on that?我对于这个专案的观念构成极感好奇。你能细说一下吗? He considered me curiously.好奇地打量我。She eyed him speculatively.她用好奇的目光打量着他。Teachers can capitalize on young children's natural curiosity.教师可以利用幼儿好奇的天性。The child has an inquisitive mind.那孩子好奇爱问。I admired my father, and his work filled me with awe and curiosity.我很钦佩父亲,并对他的工作充满了敬畏和好奇




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