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词汇 好天气
例句 It might be cold outside, but it's still a nice day.外面虽然冷,但仍然是个好天气We are hoping for good weather.我们正盼着好天气The blazing red of the setting sun omens fine weather.火红的夕阳预示好天气Well, it's raining. So much for our perfect weather.哦,下雨了。我们的好天气到此结束了。We're expecting good weather at the weekend.我们预计本周末会有好天气By the middle of the winter, they were hankering for a warm day.到了隆冬时节,他们便渴望着能有一个温暖的好天气The good weather seems likely to continue.好天气似乎可能会持续几天。It should be a nice day tomorrow.明天应该是个好天气We're expecting good weather for the weekend.我们期待周末有个好天气We go to Greece every Easter, and we usually get good weather.每年复活节我们都去希腊,通常都是好天气We're banking on fair weather for the trip.我们指望旅游时有好天气We were hoping for good weather.我们盼望着好天气We've had great weather all week.我们过去整整一周都是好天气I've been enjoying this beautiful weather.我一直在享受这种好天气We're relying on good weather.我们现在全靠好天气了。Let's cash in on the fine weather and go fishing.让我们趁著这好天气去钓鱼吧! Favourable weather yielded a good crop.好天气带来了好收成。I want to go somewhere where we're sure to have good weather.我想去一个肯定有好天气的地方。Fortunately we were blessed with fine weather.幸运的是我们碰上了好天气The good weather made up for the bad organization.好天气弥补了组织上的不足。A high-pressure system will bring us better weather later this week.本周未来几天一个高压系统将会给我们带来好天气It promises to be fine tomorrow.明天有希望是个好天气We certainly struck it lucky with the weather.我们真幸运,遇上了好天气We were very lucky weather-wise yesterday.昨天我们非常幸运地碰上了好天气I see that the good weather has returned.我知道好天气又回来了。Thanks to the lovely weather we had a bumper crop of peaches and nectarines this year.多亏了好天气,我们今年的桃子和油桃大丰收。It ought to be a fine day tomorrow.明天该是好天气We had good weather apart from one day of heavy rain.除了有一天下大雨,我们遇到的都是好天气We've been spoiled lately by/with this beautiful weather. 我们最近被好天气宠坏了。Tournament directors are counting on good weather.赛事指导们期待会有好天气The athletic meet is on Saturday, so we're praying for a fine day.学校的运动会是星期六,所以我们虔心祈求好天气It's not reasonable to expect perfect weather.指望好天气是没有道理的。It can take several days of fine weather for the grass to dry out.要几天好天气草地才能干透。You're rather gambling on it being a nice day by holding the party in the garden, aren't you?在花园里开露天聚会,那你把宝全押在肯定是个好天气上了,是不是?A cold front will move in tomorrow, bringing with it clear skies.冷锋将于明天到达,带来晴好天气The boat sailed on an even keel in good weather.船在好天气里行驶平稳。You must be ready to take advantage of any spell of good weather.碰到有一段时间的好天气你就要好好利用。What a beautiful day for a picnic!真是个野餐的好天气Good weather leading to good grain harvests should win the country relief from food shortages.能带来粮食丰收的好天气应该可以让该国的缺粮状况得到缓解。London is alway mournful, even on sunny days.伦敦经常是阴沉沉的,即使晴好天气也是这样。




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