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词汇 好多钱
例句 Dinner stood me in a lot of money.晚饭花了我好多钱He lost his shirt betting on football games.他赌球输了好多钱It cost me a lot of money to knock this old house into shape.修整这座旧房子花费了我好多钱Gee, We're going to make a lot of money.哇!我们会赚好多钱啦! He had paid out good money to educate Julie at a boarding school.为了让朱莉在寄宿学校上学,他花了好多钱Renting a car will cost me an arm and a leg.租一辆汽车要花我好多钱Conversion of your heating system from coal to gas will be costly.你把暖气系统由烧煤改造成烧瓦斯会花好多钱That picture must have cost a power of money.那幅画肯定花了好多钱The last time I went out with you, I ended up seriously out of pocket!上次跟你出去,结果是我花了好多钱He spent a lot of his money on frivolous things.他在一些无聊的事上花了好多钱He has paid out a lot of money on repairing the house.他已花了好多钱修理房子。A great deal of money is due to you.应该付你好多钱




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