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词汇 好几个月
例句 It took months to transport vehicles by sea for the Gulf War.由于海湾战争,由海路运输车辆花了好几个月时间。We kept up a correspondence for many months.我们保持了好几个月的书信往来。I haven't seen your old lady for months, Bill.比尔,我已经好几个月没看见你老婆了。He's been threatening me for months.他威胁我好几个月了。The country lumbered through several months of political uncertainty and economic chaos.那个国家艰难地渡过了好几个月的政治动荡和经济混乱。The dispute has now been deadlocked for several months.争执已经僵持了好几个月I've been corresponding with Tim for months.我已经和蒂姆保持通信好几个月了。Madame de Pompadour's presentation at court required several months of preparation.蓬巴杜夫人的进宫朝见需要准备好几个月It'll take months to pay off all your debts.还清你的债务需要好几个月的时间。She was on unemployment for a few months. = She was receiving/collecting unemployment for a few months.她有好几个月靠失业救济金生活。It took months before the findings began to filter through to the politicians.调查结果好几个月后才传入政治家们的耳中。The dispute rumbled on for months.这场争执持续了好几个月I've stayed there for months.我在那儿已住了好几个月It's quite a bad break, which will take several months to heal.骨折很严重,需要好几个月才能痊愈。My respect for my teacher grew as the months passed.好几个月过去了,我对老师也逐渐尊敬起来。She fostered the child for several months.她领养这孩子有好几个月了。I ate so many sweets that day that I was cured of my sugar craving for months.有一天我吃糖吃得太多了,这让我好几个月都不想吃甜东西。Alex will probably be seeing a psychiatrist for many months or even years.亚历克斯今后好几个月甚至几年都可能要去看精神科医生。It might be several months before she's fully cured.她可能需要好几个月才能痊愈。The poor devil was ill for months.那个可怜的家伙病了好几个月A family has been squatting in that house for months.有一家人已经擅自在那个房子里住了好几个月了。Instead of going to the police they let things lie for a couple of months.他们没去报警,好几个月对此都听之任之。It could be months yet before they know their fate.可能要好几个月他们才能知道自己的命运。It was several months before John had fully recovered from his heart attack.约翰的心脏病发作,好几个月以后才完全康复。The property market has been in the doldrums for months.房地产市场不景气已有好几个月了。The court case has been dragging on for months, and it's increasingly unlikely that she'll win.这场官司拖拉了好几个月,她越来越不可能赢了。Their marriage has been on the rocks for a couple of months.他们的婚姻触礁好几个月了,已经濒于破裂。The position has been vacant for several months now.这个职位迄今已经空缺好几个月了。We haven't heard anything of Jan for months.我们已经有好几个月没有得到简的任何消息了。Costello's business dealings have been under investigation by the FBI for months.科斯特洛的商业交易已被联邦调查局调查了好几个月The flush of excitement of his first job lasted a few months.第一份工作给他带来的兴奋感持续了好几个月There have been months of advance publicity for the show.演出的前期宣传已持续了好几个月It was several months before the truth finally dawned on me.好几个月后我才终于明白了真相。She nursed her dying husband for months.她照料了病入膏肓的丈夫好几个月It took months to extract that nugget of information from them.花了好几个月才从他们那儿套出一点有用的资料来。They have a stockpile of weapons and ammunition that will last several months.他们的武器和弹药储备足够支撑好几个月She felt miserable for months after she got her divorce.她离婚后心里难受了好几个月I spent months looking for a job, with no luck.我找了好几个月的工作,都没有运气。A mysterious illness confined him to bed for months.他因一种说不清、道不明的怪病卧床好几个月The fire has put back the opening of the theatre by several months.火灾使剧院的开业延迟了好几个月




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