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词汇 好久
例句 Hlasek gave him a long, cold stare.赫拉塞克冷冷地盯着他看了好久We haven't heard from him in an awful long time.我们好久没收到他的来信了。We always have to wait a lot when we go to see the doctor.我们去看医生时总是得等上好久It took me a long time to get over my first girlfriend.过了好久我才把我的第一个女朋友忘掉。The Government have discussed the matter for a long time.这件事政府已讨论好久了。The members of the committee were long in reaching a decision.委员们拖了好久才作出决定。She always spent an inordinate length of time in the bathroom.她总要在浴室里待上好久I haven't seen hide nor hair of him for ages.我已经好久没有见过他了。She looked at me as if I was out to lunch and not coming back for a long time.她看着我,就像是我发疯了,好久都没清醒过来一样。I got home well past suppertime.我在晚餐时间过后好久才到家。The sound lingered in the air.那声音在空中持续了好久I finally ran a copy to earth in a second-hand bookshop.我找了好久,终于在一家二手书店找到了一本。It took a while for my confidence to come back.好久我才恢复自信。It took me ages to save up for those trainers.为了买这双运动鞋,我存了好久的钱。The speaker took far too long working up to his main point.演讲者讲了好久才讲到主题。I had a crick in my neck from staring up at the sky so long.抬着头看天好久,我的脖子都僵直了。It's a long time since I got together with Tom.好久没有和汤姆见面了。I was with him much last night.昨晚我和他在一起呆了好久His old car sat in the garage, unused.他的旧车停在车库里,好久没有使用了。She has been ailing for a long time.她已病了好久了。My father was a long time dying.我父亲过了好久才死去。I've been ringing the door bell for ages.我一直按门铃,好久都没有人来门。I haven't been there for a long while.好久没有去那里了。The scheme has lain fallow for a long time.这个计划已被搁置了好久We shared a giggle about the new office romance.为办公室里的这段新罗曼史我们笑了好久It took us ages to get the baby off.我们好久才把宝宝哄睡着了。We were on our knees for hours before our parents agreed to our camping plan.我们恳求了好久,父母才同意我们的野营计划。After a time they came to a pond.过了好久,他们来到一个池塘。For a long time I lay in a warm, sleepy haze.我在一种暖洋洋的昏昏欲睡的状态中躺了好久How's it going, Tom? I haven't seen you for a long time.怎么样,汤姆?好久没有看到你了。What has happened to him? I haven't seen him for ages.他最近怎样?我好久没有见到他了。His long search threw up one old letter.他找了好久,结果找出了一封旧信。 I stared at him for a long time and the penny dropped.我盯着他看了好久,最后终于明白了。I haven't seen you for a dog's age.好久没有见到你了。He remarked to Jane that he had not heard from Sally for a long time.他对简说已经好久没收到萨莉的信了。His wife has been after him to buy some new curtains for so long.好久以来他妻子一直缠着他要买几幅新窗帘。What's Terry up to - I haven't seen him for ages.特里在捣什么鬼?我好久都没见过他了。The astronauts remained disadapted to normal gravity for long.宇航员们好久都不适应正常的引力。There was a long pause before he spoke.他讲话之前停顿了好久




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