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词汇 女权主义
例句 Rather than ostracizing women, we should accept and honour this eternal renewal of the feminine principle.我们不应排斥女性,相反我们应当接受并尊重女权主义原则的这种持续不断的修正与改进。So many people think feminism is a dirty word.这么多人都认为女权主义是个令人反感的字眼。Feminism is old hat.女权主义过时了。Feminist writers, she claimed, had been ghettoized, their books placed on separate shelves in the shops.她声称女权主义作家被区别对待了,她们的作品都放在书店中单独的书架上。Feminism is simply another device to ensnare women.女权主义只是使女性陷入圈套的另一种手段。Feminism is not dead.女权主义尚未过时。The book is about the influence of feminist ideas on American society.这本书是写女权主义思想对美国社会的影响。She'd never felt the need to carry the banner of feminism.她从来都不觉得有必要举着女权主义的旗帜。There are various strands in feminist thinking.女权主义思想有多个不同的派别。She is a star player of a distinctly post-feminist type.她是一名旗帜鲜明的反女权主义运动明星。I personally am no friend of feminism.我个人绝不支持女权主义The tone of the feminist speakers suggested they were adopting a somewhat defensive posture.女权主义发言人的口气表明她们的戒心相当重。Her opposition to abortion and feminism mark her as a convinced traditionalist.她对堕胎和女权主义的反对态度表明她是个不折不扣的传统主义者。Feminism must address issues beyond the concerns of middle-class whites.女权主义解决的问题不能仅仅局限于中产阶级白人妇女所关心的问题。Feminist groups provided birth control and abortion counselling.女权主义团体提供节育避孕和人工流产咨询服务。This movie appeals to people with a feminist sensibility. 这部电影对具有女权主义情结的人有吸引力。Feminist pedagogy is new, radical, and in the early stages of development.女权主义教育学是一门激进的新学科,处于发展的早期阶段。Post-feminism does not actually exist because we are still in the phase of pre-feminism.女权主义实际上并不存在,因为我们仍处在前女权主义阶段。Many feminist ideas have entered the mainstream.许多女权主义观点已经进入主流。She had brought a book, a feminist critique of Victorian lady novelists.她带了一本针对维多利亚时期女性小说家的女权主义批评著作。There are many different strands within feminist thought.女权主义思想包含了许多不同的方面。Her synthesis of feminism and socialism ran counter to all other historical currents.她将女权主义和社会主义的结合与所有其他的历史潮流背道而驰。Current feminist theory consists of several different trends.当前的女权主义理论有好几种不同的走向。It's in-your-face feminism, and it's meant to shock.这是咄咄逼人的女权主义,为的就是惊世骇俗。The essay first appeared in an anthology of feminist criticism.这篇文章最早出现在一本女权主义批评选集上。Many writers have documented the changes in feminist politics over the last decade.许多作家纪实性地描述了最近十年来女权主义政治的变化。Her feminist militancy began as a reaction against her mother.她那种女权主义的战斗精神源出她对母亲的反抗。Despite rumours to the contrary, feminism is alive and well.尽管听到的都是女权主义已经江河日下,但实际上它却依然盛行不衰。She makes no reference to any feminist work other than her own.除了自己的之外,她没有提及其他女权主义著作。She didn't talk the talk of feminism, but her career was the most important thing in her life.她不只是嘴上说说女权主义,事业也确实是她生命中最重要的事情。There were many close links between social reform movements and feminism.社会改革运动和女权主义之间有许多密切联系。Mainline feminism was arguing for the inherent beauty of the natural woman.主流女权主义思想倡导女性天生的自然美。She's always expounding on the latest dogmas of feminism.她老是阐述最新的女权主义教义。Danielle's feminist politics got a bit wearing after a while.丹妮尔的女权主义政治主张在一段时间之后就式微了。They joined the antiwar/peace/feminist movement.他们加入了反战/和平/女权主义运动团体




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