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词汇 奔跑
例句 We old crocks can't run like you.我们这些老朽不能像你那样奔跑We ran like anything to get away.为了逃脱,我们拼命奔跑A running track should be capable of absorbing the impact of a runner's foot landing on it.跑道应该能够吸收奔跑者踩踏地面时产生的撞击力。Liz would have run, except that she didn't want to appear to be in a hurry.要不是因为不想显得很匆忙,莉兹就会奔跑起来。These shoes are not designed to absorb the impact of running.这些鞋子的设计无法缓冲奔跑时产生的冲击力。Her hair flopped over her face as she ran.奔跑时,头发在脸上甩来甩去。He's an unbelievably fast runner.他的奔跑速度快得令人难以置信。The boys were running at full pelt.男孩子们急速地奔跑著。To mix yet more metaphors, you were trying to run before you could walk, and I've clipped your wings.我再多用个混杂引喻的说法,你还没学会走路时就想奔跑,而我却把你的翅膀剪掉了。When the horses reached the field they broke into a brisk trot.马到了田野后就奔跑了起来。The kids and ourselves were playing and running around.孩子们和我们在一起玩耍奔跑The child took the dog for a scamper.孩子带着狗出去奔跑遛腿。After running, they stopped to take breath.奔跑之后,他们停下来歇口气。I heard a scurry of footsteps.我听到一阵匆忙奔跑的脚步声。He ran like anything.他拼命奔跑He was running full out.他正在全力奔跑Her code name is "Running Bear".她的代号是“奔跑的熊”。Some maniac was running down the street waving a massive metal bar.有个疯子挥着一根粗粗的金属棍在街上奔跑The children ran along the path.孩子们沿着小路奔跑As she neared the finish line she willed her legs to keep running.快到终点时,她尽力坚持继续奔跑Her long hair streamed behind her as she ran.奔跑时,长发在身后飘动。They ran through the train, shouting and misbehaving.他们穿过车厢奔跑,大叫大嚷,粗暴无礼。There was a frantic rush to escape from the building.人们发疯地奔跑以逃离大楼。Running along the corridors was strictly forbidden at school.学校严禁在走廊里奔跑He draped himself in the Canadian flag and went round the track.他把加拿大国旗披在自己身上,绕着跑道奔跑The horses thundered across the valley floor.马群轰隆隆地从谷底奔跑而过。The horses loped easily across/over the fields.马儿在牧场上轻松地奔跑His footsteps quickened to a run.他加快脚步奔跑起来。The runner literally flew round the track.这位赛跑运动员飞也似地绕着跑道奔跑Now Fleetfoot began to run and soon he far outdistanced the girls.弗利特富特开始奔跑,很快把女孩们远远地甩在了后面。When you run, each foot leaves the ground before the other comes down.奔跑时,你的一只脚在另一只脚着地之前就离开了地面。With immense relief I stopped running.我长舒一口气,停止了奔跑She showed a high level of ability as a runner.她表现出了作为赛跑选手的很高的奔跑能力。He's been running and stepping at top pace at training.在训练中他一直以最快的速度奔跑和行走。Her hair streamed back as she ran.奔跑时头发向后飘动着。The dog raced ahead of me.那只狗在我前面奔跑He had a dream in which he was running through the forest, being chased by a bear.他做了一个梦,梦中他在森林里奔跑,一头熊在后面追赶着他。Her cloak streamed out behind her as she ran.奔跑时,斗篷在身后飘荡。The weight of her boots made it hard for Sue to run.靴子很重,让休很难奔跑I fell to the ground but picked myself up and continued running.我摔倒了,但又重新站了起来继续奔跑




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