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词汇 夺过
例句 He seized the book from her hand.他从她手里夺过了书。Nancy grabbed the brandy from his hand, and downed it with a single swig.南希从他手中夺过白兰地酒,一饮而尽。He pulled the knife from her hand and flung it out of the window.他从她手中夺过刀子,把它扔出了窗外。The thief snatched her handbag and ran off.小偷夺过她的手提包逃之夭夭。Frank snatched the pen from Rachel.弗兰克从雷切尔手中夺过钢笔。He grabbed the steering wheel from her to prevent the car going off the road.他从她手中夺过方向盘,以避免汽车驶离道路。A brave police chief foiled an armed robbery on a jewellers' by grabbing the raiders' shotgun.一位勇敢的警长夺过了意图袭击珠宝店的劫匪手中的猎枪,挫败了这起持械抢劫案。He plucked the baby out of my arms.他从我怀里夺过宝宝。




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