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She wore a little nurse's hat on her head to identify her.她头戴一顶小护士帽,很容易辨认。She wore a shimmering blue veil that covered her head.她头戴一块闪闪发光的蓝色面纱。She was attended by servants in splendid livery and powdered wigs.她由穿着华丽制服、头戴扑粉假发的仆人们伺候着。Upon her head she wore a black velvet hat.她头戴一顶黑色天鹅绒帽子。Old women in large conical hats and Vietnamese clothing sit on the steps.头戴大锥形帽、身穿越南服装的老年妇女坐在台阶上。They wore garlands of summer flowers in their hair.他们头戴用夏季鲜花编成的花环。The man beside her was wearing a brown suit and hat.她旁边的那个男人穿着棕色西装,头戴礼帽。Armed men in ski masks crept up on the van and raked it with gunfire.几个头戴滑雪面罩的持枪男子悄悄地靠近小型货车,用枪对着它扫射。But I marked also that this old man had a hat not a hood.但我也注意到这个老头戴的是檐帽而不是风帽。She looked very pretty in a blue dress and with flowers in her hair.她身着蓝色连衣裙,头戴鲜花,看上去非常漂亮。The men burst in wearing balaclavas and brandishing sawn-off shotguns.头戴遮脸盔式帽、挥舞着短管猎枪的几名男子冲了进来。I really thought I was something when I wore that hat and my patent leather shoes.我头戴那顶帽子,脚蹬漆皮鞋,当时感觉挺像那么回事儿。Her photograph showed her stiff in her glories of plumes and satin.照片上的她身著绸缎,头戴饰有彩羽的帽子,显得很拘谨。She wore an immaculate grey suit and a tasteful, blue woven hat.她穿了洁净的灰色套装,头戴一顶高雅的蓝色绒线帽。She wore a jewelled gown and a tiara.她身穿镶有珠宝的礼服,头戴冠状头饰。She stood there in the old coat and woollen cap, her face smudged with dirt.她站在那里,身穿旧外套,头戴羊皮帽,脸上脏兮兮的。She was wearing a jaunty white cap.她头戴一顶时髦的白帽子。He wore a panama hat and a crisp white suit.他头戴一顶巴拿马草帽,身穿一套笔挺的白西装。 |