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词汇 头发
例句 He had hair like tangled yellow string.他的头发像一团黄线一样乱蓬蓬的。Maria pushed her hair back from her forehead.玛丽亚把头发从额头往后拢。His hand kept making fretful journeys through his hair.他的手烦躁不安地连连捋头发She has her hair blonde and curly, à la Marilyn Monroe.她仿照玛丽莲•梦露的样子,把自己的头发弄成金色卷发。Leave your hair to dry naturally whenever possible.尽可能让头发自然晾干。The wind mussed up my hair.风吹乱了我的头发Ella rinsed her hair thoroughly.埃拉彻底地清洗了头发She coiled her hair at the back of her head.她把头发盘在脑后。He cut all his hair off as a protest.他把头发剪光以示抗议。The landlady patted her hair nervously.女房东焦虑地轻抚着她的头发James came out of his bedroom, towelling his wet hair.詹姆斯走出卧室,一边走一边用毛巾擦着他湿漉漉的头发I much prefer the natural colour of your hair.我更喜欢你头发本来的颜色。He was tall, thirtyish , and had glasses and brown hair.他高个子,三十多岁,戴眼镜,棕色头发Wet the hair, apply shampoo, and massage into a rich lather.先把头发弄湿,然后抹上香波,揉搓直至产生大量泡沫。The apparitional look of her face was reinforced by the waving tendrils of hair.一绺绺散乱颤动的头发使她那幽灵似的面容显得更加可怕。His hair is graying. = He has graying hair.他的头发开始变灰白了。He had clipped his hair close to the skull.他齐根剪掉了自己的头发The wind tore at her hair.风猛刮着她的头发He began stroking her hair and gently murmuring her name.他开始抚摸她的头发,喃喃地呼唤着她的名字。It leaves your hair smelling deliciously fresh and fragrant.它会让头发闻起来清新、芳香,令人愉悦。Her hair hung limp around her shoulders.她的头发蓬松地垂在肩头。She sat down, nervously raking her fingers through her hair.她坐下来,手指紧张地抓挠着头发I use a styling gel to give texture to my hair.我用发胶给头发定型。The picture shows a dreamy, raven-haired young woman.这幅画描绘了一个漂亮的、有着乌黑头发的年轻女子。Bobby gave her hair a tug…博比使劲拽了她头发一下。If that's his real hair, then I'm a Dutchman.如果那是他的真头发,那我就是荷兰人。His crinkly hair was touched with grey.他卷曲的头发有些花白。Last time I tried to colour my hair it turned red!上次我想染头发,结果弄成红色的了!He's got white hair.他的头发已经白了。The clever use of colour can make fine hair look thick.巧妙运用颜色能使细头发看起来密一些。She ran a comb through her tangled hair.她用梳子梳理乱蓬蓬的头发She dried off the excess water from her hair.她将湿淋淋的头发弄干。I could smell the salt air as it whipped through my hair.当海风掠过我的头发,我闻到了大海的咸味。He has a soupçon of grey in his hair.他的头发已微现灰白。His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat.他的头发上全是汗水,紧贴在前额上。Your hair looks nice.你的头发看上去很迷人。She had beautiful auburn hair.她长着一头漂亮的红褐色头发His hair was lank and greasy and looked like it hadn't been washed for a month.他的头发平直稀疏还油乎乎的,看起来好像有一个月没洗了。The wind disarranged my hair.风弄乱了我的头发I love the squeaky-clean feel of my hair after I've washed it.我喜欢洗完头发后干干净净的感觉。




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