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词汇 cave
例句 The cave provided refuge from the storm.山洞遮蔽了暴风雨。The wall of the cave was wet and slimy to the touch.洞壁摸着又湿又滑。The entrance to the cave was infilled by the landowner.洞穴入口被地产主人堵上了。But in some respects cave dwellers were far cleverer than us.但是在某些方面穴居人要比我们聪明得多。Our ancestors ochred pictures of bison on their cave walls.我们的祖先用赭色在洞穴墙壁上画了野牛图。The mouth of the cave was submerged in the lake.山洞口被湖水淹没了。A cave sheltered the climbers during the storm.山洞为登山者提供了躲避暴风雨的地方。The rescuers didn't reemerge from the cave until hours later.救援人员几个小时后才从洞穴里出来。John pushed forward into the dark entrance of the cave.约翰继续往黑乎乎的山洞口里走去。The explorers spent all day probing the cave.勘探队员们一整天都在探查那个洞穴。Both boats purred out of the cave mouth and into open water.两条船从洞口隆隆地开出来,驶入了宽阔的水域。Another flash of lightning lit up the cave.又一道闪电照亮了山洞。The cave is the home of a legendary giant.这个山洞是传说中一名巨人的家。The cave was seamed with crevices.这个山洞布满了裂缝。The limestone is sufficiently fissured for tree roots to have breached the roof of the cave.石灰岩上有许多缝隙,故而树根能从岩洞顶部长出来。We went to see ancient cave paintings in Spain.我们去西班牙参观了古代洞穴壁画。The cave seemed to be the best place to tabernacle in this weather.在这种天气下,这个洞穴看来是暂居的最佳地。Drips fell from the roof of the cave.水滴从岩洞顶部落下来。The cave covered him from the rain.山洞使他免遭雨淋。I had a nervous breakdown, everything just seemed to cave in on top of me.我曾经有过一次精神崩溃,好像天塌了一样。The entrance to the cave was stopped up with rocks.进山洞的入口被岩石堵住了。Most of the mouth of the cave was submerged in the lake.洞口大半都淹没在湖里。The next day they lay up in a cave.第二天他们躲在一个山洞里。The cave was formed by the action of an underground river.这个洞穴是在地下河的作用下形成的。A small cave was the only refuge from the cold.一个小窑洞是抵御寒冷的唯一藏身之处。Tree roots have breached the roof of the cave.树根穿透了洞穴顶部。If you go into the cave without waiting for the guide, you do it at your own risk.如果你不等向导来便走进洞去,后果由你自己负责。These cave paintings predate any others which are known.这些洞穴绘画早于其他任何已知的同类绘画。He lit a match so they could see in the cave.他点了根火柴,这样他们就能在山洞里看得见。It took a while for my eyes to focus in the dim light of the cave.在洞内暗淡的光线下,过了一会儿我才逐渐看清楚。A massive boulder blocked the entrance of the cave.一块巨大的圆石堵住了山洞的入口。The cave walls were beaded with moisture.这个洞穴壁上布满了水珠。We descended into the cave by a rope ladder.我们用绳梯爬下洞穴。The call echoed off the walls of the cave.叫喊的回声从洞壁反射过来。We entered the cave through a narrow aperture.我们从一个狭窄的豁口进入洞穴。They went to the cave in quest of hidden treasure.他们到山洞去寻找宝藏。When they demolished the church, a cave was discovered beneath it.他们拆掉教堂时,在它底下发现了一个洞穴。The entrance to the cave was infilled by the landowner.山洞的入口被地产的主人给堵上了。There must be another way into the cave.一定有其他的路可以进入洞穴。A big rock blocked the mouth of the cave.一块大石头堵住了洞口。




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