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He was ahead early in the match, but he snookered himself. 他在比赛开始时领先,但后来因发挥失常而失利。People said I choked, but I just had a bad day on the golf course.他们说我发挥失常,其实我只是这天在高尔夫球场上运气不好罢了。He could score points at will during the qualifying matches, but in the final he completely choked.他在预选赛中总能随心所欲地得分,可到了决赛发挥就完全失常了。Sorry I missed that shot. I'm off my game today. 很遗憾,我投球失误了。我今天发挥失常。Many of our patients are severely disturbed.我们的许多病人精神严重失常。When the pressure was on, the tennis star choked and lost the match.由于压力太大,那位网球明星发挥失常,输掉了比赛。It's funny how having all that money can warp your judgment.真奇怪,有了那些钱竟可以让你判断失常。The accused murderer insisted he had fired the shot during a fit of insanity.杀人案被告坚称,他是在精神突然失常的情况下开的枪。He dismissed the defeat as a temporary aberration.他把这次失败看作是暂时的失常,不再去想它。What else could make him behave so out of character?还有什么能让他做出这种如此失常的行为来?Early physicians removed the malfunctioning organs.早年间的医生会把机能失常的器官摘除掉。We thought she was a bit touched.我们认为她精神有些失常。Our computer network is all screwed-up.我们的计算机网络全部失常。He went mad and tried to attack someone.他行为失常,试图攻击别人。She was a bit queer after her husband deserted her.她遭丈夫遗弃后精神有点失常。The pitcher was doing well for the first four innings, then the wheels fell off in the fifth.投手前四局表现出色,但在第五局时突然发挥失常。 |