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词汇 夭折
例句 Their first child died in infancy.他们的第一个孩子在幼年夭折To see his only son die young was gall and wormwood to the old man.看到独子夭折,老人十分痛苦。Four of his brothers had died as babies: the fifth survived.他的兄弟中有四个在婴儿期夭折,老五活了下来。Too many children still die in infancy.仍有太多的孩子夭折The group's efforts at reform fizzled out after their leader left.这个小组的领导人离开以后,他们改革的努力逐渐夭折了。She died in infancy.她于婴儿时期就夭折了。Health reform was one of his goals that fell by the wayside.医疗改革是他的目标之一,却在半途夭折了。In the past, many children died in infancy.过去很多孩子夭折于襁褓。Their first child did not survive infancy.他们的第一个孩子在婴儿时期就夭折了。Her second son didn't survive childhood.她的二儿子夭折了。She died in childhood.夭折了。The program for rebuilding the city died on the vine.重建城市的计划夭折了。One of their children died in infancy.他们有一个孩子夭折于襁褓中。A child with two heads and six fingers was born to a Yemenite woman yesterday. The monstrosity lived for one hour.昨天一名也门女子生下了一个长着两个脑袋六根手指的孩子。这个怪胎只活了一个小时便夭折了。My mother never stopped mourning for my sister Frances, who died when she was four.姐姐弗朗西丝在四岁时夭折了,母亲从来都没有停止过为她哀痛。Their first child was stillborn.他们的第一个孩子出生时就夭折了。The project fell by the wayside.这个计划后来夭折了。Her plan to run for public office died on the vine.她竞选公职的计划夭折了。The child's death shook her belief in God.孩子夭折动摇了她对上帝的信仰。




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