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词汇 太阳系
例句 It's mind-boggling to think that our solar system is only one among billions.想到我们的太阳系只是数亿星系中的一个,那是多么不可思议啊。The spacecraft is set to throw new light on to a dark corner of the solar system.这艘宇宙飞船可能会让人们对太阳系中的一个神秘角落有更新的认识。Pluto is the utmost known planet in our solar system.冥王星是太阳系中已知的最远的一颗行星。The number of known satellites in the solar system rose to 32.太阳系里已知的卫星数量增加到三十二个。There remain gaps in our knowledge of the solar system.我们对太阳系的认识仍有空白点。Jupiter has the distinction of being the largest planet.木星的特点在于它是太阳系中最大的行星。The planet Jupiter contains large amounts of the primordial gas and dust out of which the solar system was formed.木星含有大量的原始气体和尘埃,太阳系就是由这些气体和尘埃形成的。The sun is central in the solar system.太阳是太阳系的中心。The eight planets in our solar system all orbit the sun.太阳系的八大行星都是围绕着太阳运动的。Pluto was once regarded as the solar system's most far-out planet.冥王星曾被认为是太阳系里最远的行星。The solar system was formed 4.5 billion years ago.太阳系是四十五亿年前形成的。Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system.土星是太阳系中的第二大行星。The Hubble Space Telescope allows astronomers to form a more accurate picture of our solar system.哈勃太空望远镜使天文学家能够对我们所处的太阳系产生更为准确的图像。The solar system is heliocentric, meaning that the sun is at its center.太阳系是日心的,也就是说太阳位于它的中心。The possibility of travel to other solar systems still lies in the distant future.到其他太阳系去的可能性还遥遥无期。The sun is the centre of the solar system.太阳是太阳系的中心天体。The idea of travelling to other solar systems may sound far-fetched but scientists now see it as a real possibility.到其他太阳系去这个想法听起来有点离谱,但科学家现在认为这确实是可能的。The solar system is minuscular in the immensity of the universe.在无限的宇宙中太阳系是极其微小的。




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