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词汇 太重
例句 He was too much an invalid to leave alone.他病得太重,不能没人陪着。She took too much on and made herself ill.她承担的任务太重,结果病倒了。That table's too heavy for you to lift on your own.那张桌子太重,你一个人搬不起来。His style relishes perhaps too much of schoolroom.他的文章风格似乎学究味太重了一些。Their intonation is too nasal.他们发出的声调鼻音太重These books are too heavy for me to carry.这些书太重了,我拿不动。The box was too heavy for me to lift.箱子太重,我提不起来。It's difficult to talk to teenagers about drugs without sounding too moralistic.跟青少年谈论毒品,又不能有太重的说教味道,这是很难的。The suitcase was too heavy to lift.手提箱太重,提不动。You can drop one subject at the end of this year if you're finding you've got too much work.如果你觉得功课太重,年底的时候可以放弃一门学科。It's too heavy, I can't lift it.太重了,我提不动。His style seems too derivative of Hemingway.他模仿海明威写作风格的痕迹似乎太重了。I can't carry it on my own; it's too heavy.我无法独自携带它,太重了。The box was so heavy I could barely lift it.箱子太重了,我几乎拎不起来。Greedy children often tend to put on too much weight.贪吃的孩子往往长得太重The responsibility was too much for him to bear.这个责任对他来说太重了,难以承担。The weight of the machine makes lifting it impractical.这台机器太重,要抬起来是不可能的。This box weighs a ton. 这个箱子太重了。He kicked the ball too hard.他把球踢得太重Some farmers were too proud to ask for government help.有些农民自尊心太重,不愿请求政府帮助。I regret to inform you he died as a consequence of his injuries.我很遗憾地通知你,他因伤势太重不治身亡。I'm too heavy to be carried easily.太重了,轻易背不动。The wardrobe was too heavy for me to move on my own.衣橱太重,我一个人搬不动。My so-called friends are making fun of me because of my weight.我那些所谓的朋友因为我太重而取笑我。The spices are too strong for me.对我来说这种调料味道太重了。She hit him so hard that he reeled backwards.她出手太重,打得他朝后打了个趔趄。The salads taste too vinegary.这些沙拉醋味太重了。He was a man more sinned against than sinning.他是个过错无多而报应太重的人。She struggled to lift the package by herself, but it was too heavy.她使劲提包裹,但包裹太重了。She was too ill to travel.她病得太重,不能去旅行。The box is too heavy for me.我觉得这盒子太重了。The crates were much too heavy and awkward for one person to carry.这些板条箱太重了,一个人很难扛动。The salad dressing was too lemony.沙拉酱的柠檬味太重了。Parents shouldn't set too high a value on good exam results.父母不应该把考试成绩看得太重The chair sagged beneath his weight. 太重,把椅子都压塌了。The debate was getting too philosophical for me.对我来说这场辩论变得哲学味太重了。It was immediately obvious that the bag was too heavy.马上就发觉这个包太重了。Once armed and ready to clean, do a room at a time so the job does not seem too overwhelming.准备好了扫除时,一次清扫一个房间,这样活儿就不会显得太重They were travelling very slowly, and the heavy load they were carrying sapped their strength.他们一路走得非常慢,而且携带的东西太重,消耗了他们的气力。Your doctor will give, upon request, a letter confirming that you are too ill to work.只须提出要求,你的医师将会出具证明信,证明你的病太重还不能工作。




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