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词汇 太平洋
例句 Pacific salmon return to Alaskan streams to deposit their spawn.太平洋鲑鱼返回阿拉斯加的河流产卵。The U.S. has several possessions in the Pacific Ocean.美国在太平洋有几个海外领地。They crossed the Pacific by ship.他们乘船横渡太平洋The locomotives of the Northern Pacific were still a novelty to those who lived along the right of way.太平洋公司的机车对于住在铁路线地区的人们来说还是新鲜事物。The Pacific rollers swept in from the China Sea.来自太平洋的卷浪从中国海涌入。They stood on the bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean.他们站在峭壁上眺望太平洋We drove along the Pacific coast to Seattle.我们驾车沿着太平洋海岸去西雅图。One after another, tropical storms battered the Pacific coastline.热带风暴接二连三地在太平洋沿岸肆虐。China faces the Pacific on the east.中国东临太平洋He was the commander of the Pacific fleet.他曾是太平洋舰队司令。This Canadian author has chosen to live in relative anonymity on a Pacific island.这位加拿大作家选择住在太平洋的一个岛上,过着相对默默无闻的生活。She learned her insurance had been canceled by Pacific Mutual Insurance Company.她得知自己的保险已经被太平洋互助保险公司中止了。The Commonwealth is an irrelevance: we are a Pacific country.英联邦与我们毫不相干,我们是一个太平洋国家。Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods.我们的路线沿着太平洋海岸,穿过人口稠密的街区。The whole of the west coast of America abuts onto the Pacific.整个美洲西海岸濒临太平洋At first, he thought the Pacific Fleet was under attack from German forces.起初,他以为太平洋舰队遭到了德军的袭击。Legend has it that the tribe came from across the Pacific Ocean.传说这个部落是从太平洋的那一边过来的。The house is on Pacific Avenue.那幢房子在太平洋大街。Joe wants to visit the Pacific Island where his forefathers had lived.乔想去访问祖辈住过的那个太平洋岛屿。Pacific salmon swim to their spawning grounds in Alaskan rivers.太平洋鲑鱼游回它们在阿拉斯加河流里的产卵地。He set his sights on crossing the Pacific by balloon.他决心要乘热气球横渡太平洋The mansion was on a promontory, high over the Pacific.该宅邸高高地座落于太平洋的一个海角上。Nothing loath, she plunged into the Pacific Ocean.她心甘情愿地纵身跳入太平洋Gaugin is famous for his paintings of native women on the Pacific island of Tahiti.高更以表现太平洋塔希提岛上的土著女性的绘画作品而著称。You can deposit money at any branch of the Northwest Pacific Bank.你可以在西北太平洋银行任何一家分行存款。The Kon-Tiki sailed across the Pacific Ocean propelled by wind power.“太阳神康提基号”帆船借助风力横渡了太平洋The first recorded specimen of the fish was caught in the Pacific.首条有记载的这种鱼是在太平洋捕到的。The island's western shore is washed by the warm waters of the Pacific.太平洋温暖的海水拍打着该岛的西海岸。These daisies naturalize well in the Pacific Northwest.这些雏菊完全适应了太平洋西北部的生长环境。The Panama Canal provides a crucial shipping link between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.巴拿马运河是连接大西洋和太平洋至关重要的航道。Sharks exist in the Pacific.鲨鱼生活在太平洋Canada stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific.加拿大从大西洋一直延伸到太平洋The Pacific route is a cash cow for Qantas.太平洋航线是澳洲航空的摇钱树。The early warning system has had some success; for example Pacific coast residents get four hours notice of a potential earthquake.这个预警系统是有一定作用的,例如,如有可能发生地震,太平洋沿岸地区的居民能提前四小时接到警报。His ship was due back from the Pacific any day now.他的船将在这几天从太平洋返航。These particular birds live on only one island in the Pacific.这些独特的鸟只生活在太平洋的一个岛上。His family immigrated from the Pacific Rim.他家是从太平洋周边国家移民过来的。The Soviet Union extended all the way from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean.苏联领土一直从波罗的海延伸至太平洋Palm trees stir in the soft Pacific breeze.棕榈树在太平洋和煦的微风中轻轻地摇动。It is one of the largest mountain ranges under the Pacific Ocean.这是太平洋下面最大的山脉之一。




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