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词汇 天花板
例句 The pillars have been specially strengthened in order to carry the weight of the new ceiling.为了承受新的天花板的重量,这些柱子都特别加固了。In the corner of the room was a large lamp, hanging from the ceiling.房间一角的天花板上悬着一盏大吊灯。The spider was walking on the ceiling.蜘蛛在天花板上爬行。By the time he'd finished painting the ceiling the whole floor was covered with flecks of red paint.他粉刷完天花板后,整个地板上都落满了一滴滴的红色油漆。The ceiling he had just plastered fell in and knocked him off his ladder.他刚抹上灰泥的天花板塌了,把他从梯子上砸了下来。The restoration of the ceiling was completed over a period of two years.天花板的修复在两年内完成。The ceiling was so low I had to duck my head.天花板太低了,我得低着头。She loved the gracefully high ceiling, with its white-painted cornice.她喜欢这里高高的天花板,它造型优美,还带有一圈漆成白色的飞檐。The chandelier depends from the ceiling.枝形吊灯从天花板上吊下。Across the ceiling meandered a long crack.天花板上有一条弯曲的长裂缝。The ceilings were so low that Mark couldn't stand up straight.天花板低得马克都站不直。Plaster was peeling off the ceiling.天花板上的灰泥正在脱落。On the walls I applied the same technique as I had used for the ceiling.墙壁我采用了和天花板相同的技术。In certain professions, it is hard for women to get promoted. This is called the phenomenon of the glass ceiling.在某些行业之中,女性升迁不易,这就叫做玻璃天花板The bathroom has mirrors from ceiling to floor.浴室装有从天花板直到地板的镜子。A stain was spreading on the bathroom ceiling.浴室天花板上的污渍正在渗开。A flake of plaster from the ceiling fell into his eye, which became septic.天花板上的一小片熟石膏掉到他眼里,致使他的眼睛感染了。There's a large crack where the ceiling meets the wall.天花板与墙壁相连的地方有个大裂缝。The ceiling was covered with polystyrene insulation tiles.天花板上覆盖着聚苯乙烯隔热瓦。A single electric light bulb hung from the ceiling.一只电灯泡从天花板上垂下来。A light bulb dangled from a wire in the ceiling.一只灯泡悬吊在天花板的一根电线上。A bare light bulb hung from the ceiling.一只光秃秃的灯泡从天花板上垂下来。It had a high ceiling and a luridly coloured square of carpet on the floor.房间天花板很高,地上铺着一块颜色俗丽的方毯。Crystal chandeliers dangled from every ceiling.每个房间的天花板上都悬有枝形水晶吊灯。I decided to paint the bathroom ceiling but ran out of steam halfway through.我决定粉刷一下浴室的天花板,但干了一半就精疲力竭了。With the calm airy height of the room to lull me, I soon fell into a doze.头顶的天花板一动不动地悬在高处,这使我放松下来,打起了瞌睡。I don't think it's fixed to the ceiling very securely.我觉得它在天花板上固定得不是很牢。The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.天花板上的挂钩断了,吊灯坠落到桌子上,光华四溅。I noticed a crack in the ceiling.我注意到天花板上有一条裂缝。A moment later, the ceiling fell in.过了一会儿,天花板就塌下来了。In her current role she broke through the glass ceiling as the first woman to reach senior management level in the company.作为公司里第一个升入高级管理层的女性,她目前的职位已经突破了玻璃天花板Cracks began to appear in the ceiling.天花板上开始出现裂缝。The building had been finished in a very careless way, with loose wires and unpainted ceilings.这幢大楼造得很马虎,电线松松垮垮,天花板也没刷。A light-bulb hanging from the ceiling filled the room with a cold yellow light.屋子里天花板上吊着的一个灯泡散发着冷冷的黄光。Festive paper decorations had been hung from the ceiling.喜庆的彩纸已经挂在天花板上。He looked toward the ceiling of his tiny apartment.他往自己小套间的天花板看去。A large light was suspended from the ceiling.一盏大灯悬在天花板上。The apartment has high ceilings.这间公寓的天花板很高。The fire came roaring through the kitchen ceiling and sent its red tongues licking into the entrance hall.大火蔓烧过厨房的天花板咆哮而来,红色的火舌朝门厅内卷去。The ceiling is supported by imitation marble columns.天花板是用人造大理石柱支撑的。




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