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词汇 天然
例句 Nitrates are chemicals that occur naturally in water.硝酸盐是水里天然存在的化学物质。It's a synthetic material that looks like the real thing.这是一种人造材料,看上去像天然的。Natural poisons such as snake venom are now being used in the treatment of human nervous disorders.蛇毒等天然毒物现在被用于治疗人类的神经疾病。The port is quiet and unspoiled.这个港口宁静、天然The gigantic natural harbour is a haven for boats.这个巨大的天然海湾是船只的避风港。Highly explosive gas is naturally found in coal mines.煤矿中天然存有高爆气体。All the bedding is made of simple, untreated cotton.所有床上用品全部用未经处理的天然棉花制成。Cookies are just the thing to serve with tall glasses of real lemonade.曲奇就应该搭配高脚杯的天然柠檬汁一起享用。Petroleum occurs in natural deposits beneath the surface of the earth.石油出现在地表下面的天然沉积物中。His only concession to self-indulgence is an extra carton of natural yoghurt.他从不自我放纵,唯一任性的就是多吃一盒天然酸奶。Our products contain only natural ingredients.我们的产品含有的成分全是天然的。Opiate drugs, like pethidine, mimic natural pain-relieving chemicals.含鸦片的药物,例如哌替啶,可起到类似天然止痛化学物质的作用。A fish in water is in its natural medium.水中的鱼处在其天然的生活环境中。A natural corridor at the foot of the Alps.阿尔卑斯山脚下的天然走廊The sweater is made of a combination of natural and synthetic fibres.这件毛衣是由天然和合成纤维混合织成的。The cloth had a natural look which coincided perfectly with the image Laura sought.这种布料看上去质地天然,和劳拉所期望的形象完全吻合。These are known as Ternate Bridges as they cross three rivers at their confluence and form anatural ringroad.这些分叉的桥梁,在他们的三河交汇的地方形成一个天然的环城公路。People say that breast-feeding is better than bottle-feeding because it's more natural.人们认为母乳喂养比用奶瓶喂养好,因为母乳更为天然The river forms a natural boundary between the two countries.这条河成了两国间天然的分界线。The state's natural assets include mountains and beautiful lakes.这个州的天然财富是起伏的群山和美丽的湖泊。San Francisco and Rio de Janeiro are similarly situated, both standing at the entrance to great natural harbours.圣弗朗西斯科和里约热内卢地理位置相似,都是位于天然大港口的入口处。It was a plain, grey stone house, distinguished mainly by its largely unspoilt simplicity.这是一幢简朴的灰石房子,主要以其天然简约的风格显得与众不同。Only a few weeks ago I was crying down margarine and crying up butter.仅仅几周前,我还在批判人造黄油,盛赞天然黄油。Use live natural yoghurt, full-fat if possible.使用含活菌的天然酸乳酪,如有可能最好是全脂的。Honey is a naturally acidic substance.蜂蜜是一种天然的酸性物质。This product contains only natural flavourings.这种产品只含天然调味品。This disease is surprisingly difficult to catch as most people have a natural resistance to it.由于多数人对这种病具有天然免疫力,所以发病率低得出奇。Salt is a natural disinfectant.盐是天然的消毒剂。Florida oranges have a natural sweetness.佛罗里达柑橘带有一种天然的甘甜。The city is dotted with small lakes, natural and artificial.这个城市小型湖泊星罗棋布,有天然的也有人工的。Some insects have a natural camouflage which hides them from the attack of their enemies.有些昆虫有一种天然的保护色可以防止敌人的袭击。This farm specializes in organically grown food.这个农场专门种植天然的食物。Our rational thinking has natural limitations.我们的理性思维存在天然的局限。A number of important vitamins are found naturally in dark green vegetables like spinach.许多重要的维生素天然存在于诸如菠菜这样的深绿色蔬菜中。A natural timber deck leads into the main room of the home.有一个天然的木制平台通到房子的客厅。The natural fibers allow the fabric to breathe.天然纤维织物透气性好。Many herbs grow naturally in poor dry soils.很多药草天然生长于贫瘠干燥的土壤中。Natural-filled duvets must be dry-cleaned by a professional.天然填充的羽绒被必须交由专业人士干洗。People often don't appreciate that marble is a natural stone.人们经常不了解大理石是一种天然石料。The Mississippi River forms a natural boundary between Iowa and Illinois.密西西比河构成了艾奥瓦州和伊利诺伊州的天然分界线。




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