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词汇 天性
例句 My father is a naturally ebullient personality.我父亲天性奔放。The Trobrand islanders are happy, sexually uninhibited people.特罗布里恩群岛上的居民天性愉快,性行为不受拘束。She has a competitive nature. 天性争强好胜。She had an innocent, trusting nature, and I worried about how she'd cope in the big city.天性单纯,轻易相信别人,我担心在这种大城市里她怎么应付。She trusted people. That was her nature.她信任别人,这是她的天性His natural ebullience began to return.他又恢复了热情奔放的天性It's human nature to be antipathetic to change.不喜欢变革是人的天性I admit to being congenitally lazy.我承认自己天性懒惰。Little boys, being what they are, might decide to play on it.出于天性,小男孩们可能会决定利用这一点。It isn't in that woman's nature to bear grudges.那女人天性不会记仇。I'm a flirt and a tease, it's just the way I'm made.和别人打情骂俏、卖弄风情是我的天性Creativity is intrinsic to human nature.创造力是人类的天性With his schizoid nature, you never know whether he will disagree or agree with you.天性多变,你永远都不知道他会反对你还是赞同你。She has a God-given talent for making friends.天性擅长交友。Children have a streak of curiosity.孩子们常有好奇的天性Don't be angry - it was just a joke - where's your sense of fun?别生气——只是个笑话——你乐观的天性哪里去了?Her inquisitive nature got her into trouble more than once.她爱打听他人私事的天性使她不止一次招来麻烦。He had succeeded in putting her at her ease, despite her natural shyness.尽管她天性羞怯,他仍然成功地使她放松了下来。Kindness and sympathy were in his nature.善良与同情心是他的天性Parents must make use of their natural ability to empathize.父母必须发挥其天性,设身处地从子女的角度感受。Teachers can capitalize on young children's natural curiosity.教师可以利用幼儿好奇的天性I have a born resistance to innovation.我有一种抵制革新的天性Mothers are hardwired to protect their children.母亲有保护自己孩子的天性When he poked his tongue at the press, it was just a young boy's natural naughtiness.他冲着媒体记者们伸舌头,只是出于小男孩顽皮的天性He always brought out my motherly instincts.他总是激发出我母爱的天性He was much loved for his merry nature.他快乐的天性很是招人喜欢。Cautious by nature, Simpkin was reluctant to interfere.辛普金天性谨慎,不愿意出面干预。She inherited the urge to travel from her mother.她继承了母亲爱四处游历的天性When he poked his tongue at the press it was just a young boy's natural naughtiness.他冲着媒体记者们伸舌头,只是出于小男孩顽皮的天性Our likes and dislikes are often blind, the spawn of instinct or habit.我们的好恶常常是盲目的,都是天性或习惯的产物。He was reclusive by nature.天性就爱一个人独处。She's very competitive by nature.天性争强好胜。I fell in love with him because of his kind nature.天性善良,我爱上了他。Cruelty is a normal attribute of human behaviour.残忍是人的天性之一。A social creature by nature, he loves working with people.天性合群,乐于和其他人一起工作。You'll never stop them hunting. It's in their blood.你永不可能阻止他们去打猎。这是他们的天性Clearly appeasement forms no part of her nature.她的天性中显然并无姑息的成分。Human perception is highly imperfect and by definition subjective.人的感知具有高度缺陷,而且天性主观。Cats possess a natural hunting instinct.猫有捕食天性Her work with the poor was a manifestation of her compassionate nature.她帮助穷人是她富有同情心的天性的一种体现。




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